Doole · Lee Guk-jong · Lee Hoe-chang … The Korean Government


The South Korean party has appointed dozens of people, including Professor Kim Yong-ok, Lee Jung-mi, and the Judge of the Constitutional Court, candidates for the post of Vice-President.


The candidate for Korean contingency chairman post is about 40 candidates, and the face is not conventional.

[이정미/당시 헌법재판소장 권한대행 (지난해 3월 10일) : 피청구인 대통령 박근혜를 파면한다.]

Lee Jung-mi, who reads the order of the dismissal arbitrators,

However, most of the characters in the subject do not speak of the name of the person without prior consultation: Professor Kim Yong-ok, Professor Kim Yong-ok, and Professor Lee Kuk-jong,

[도올 김용옥 교수 관계자 : 지금 도올 선생님이 집필 중이세요. 정치 상황에 있어선 일체 관심을 안 가지시고… 막 명단 만드는 것은 정당에서 할 수 있는, 그야말로 그들의 상상력이니까…]

This former judge also said, "It's absurd" and "I have no intention of take charge". Professor Lee Kuk-jong focuses on medical treatments such as Dr. Helicopter. 19659004] Former presidential candidate Lee Hoi – chang, who was running for the presidency. Presidential election of the ruling New Korea party also became a candidate.

In the end, party members like Kim Byoung-joon, Kim Hyung-oh, former Speaker of the National Assembly, who were positive from the beginning, will be reconsidered.

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