Doosan, LG wins 9 consecutive games … Back to 2nd place in SK (Nexen, Dahyeon, Samjin)


& nbsp; Hanhwa ends & # 39; Samsung, Hanhwa's desire … KIA exceeds kt for two consecutive days

Shin Jae-young 7-neck 2-run & # 39; NEXEN, NC

(Seoul-Yonhap News) Bae Jin-nam, reporter Lee Dae-ho reporter = Doosan Bears, the leader of professional baseball,

Doosan won the LG 17-10 and recently won 4 consecutive games during a visit to the Maika KBO League of Shinhan Bank in 2018 at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul.

Doosan also won a 9-game winning streak for LG on Sept. 10, including a win of 7 all-time wins this season.

Jang Won-joon, Doosan's left-handed starter, scored seven in the first run and scored in the first inning, scoring a singles scoring run in the fifth. Kim Jae-hwan's solo in the sixth inning was a signal. Kim Jae-hwan scored the 31st game of the season against LG Cho's Kim Choon-hyun and won the championship with Choi Jung (SK Wyverns).

Oh Jae Won also broke the solo home race, narrowing the gap to 3-8.

Doosan, who was in the mood, scored eight goals and overturned the league.

Oh Jae-won's 1-RBI shot and Kim Jae-ho's RBI 2 hit in the second inning, leading to 6-8, followed by Ryu Ji-hyuk's strikes at new.

The sacrificial fly of Pye Se-hyeok took a lead of one point, and Lee Dae-sun's will came with an inner fly, but it seemed that the fire was out, but Huh Kyung- min moved second and third. He managed to reverse.

Choi Joo – hwan made a two-point home run with a corner.

Doosan hit 23 hits and LG hit 16 hits, and a total of 39 hits hit, making it one of the league's biggest hits this season (36 hits) .

SK Wyverns, who visit Busan, returned to second place in 42 days after June 9, after pushing the Lotte Giants pursuit to 4-3.

SK, who recently won three straight wins, lost 52 wins, 38 wins and 1 draw to the Hanhwa Eagles' Samsung Lions (54 wins and 40 wins) without a roll.

Pitcher Kang Kwang-hyun allowed six hits in five innings with five home runs and a strikeout with four strikeouts in five innings, scoring eight wins (four losses) during the season.

On the other side, Kim Dong-yeop scored a 3-in-7 wedge with 3-in-5 with three circuits and an RBI.

Lotte lost four games in a row. Lotte star Song Seung-joon, who had three points in five innings, was the yoke of defeat.

Samsung beat Hanhwa in a 4-3 victory over Hanhwa in a home match against Daegu, and beat the other day.

Samsung advanced to 3-0, allowing 3-3 ties in the eighth, but Park finished the game with a 2-1 win over Kim Bum-soo.

Samsung starter Yoon Sung-hwan failed to add a winning goal, but allowed five hits and two goals in six innings and withdrew seven with a shootout for the first time. first time this season.

Hanwha lost, but Kim Jin-young, who made his first start since his debut last year, scored four points, four walks, three strikeouts and two strikeouts in four. and two sleeves.

In Kwangju, KIA Tigers beat kt wiz 8-2 and won 2 on the third weekend of the weekend.

After Kim Dae-jin's first double in the first heat, Cho Hyung-woo marked the start of Kim Ssang-yong with a good runner to finish the match.

Han Seung Hyuk, from the KIA, scored five wins (3 losses) during the season, scoring a point in five hits and two walks in five innings.

Han Seung – Hyuk has won four of five victories of the season against KT. He made 9 appearances before the match to win four games without defeat.

Lim Ki-jun, who scored one point in the first run, scored a 3-1 record in the eighth inning.

KT grabbed his ankle, recording his turn.

Nexen Heroes broke the 5th defeat series in a 6-3 win at NC Dynos at Changwon Masan Stadium.

Nexen, who was led to the semifinal car by KIA in 6th place after 5 games of Hanwha and Daejeon, kept the fifth position with the first win in the second half.

Shin Jae-young, who started in the first inning, won a solo circuit for Noh Jin Hyuk and twice at Park Seok-min, but he was responsible for 7 innings, I scored the second .

NC's replacement, who won 1 game in 12 games, allowed 9 hits, including a home run, and two walks in 4 innings of 2-3.

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