Drug chains of hypertension? If you change your lifestyle,


& # 39; The murderer of silence & # 39; False ideas and truths about hypertension

Drug chains of hypertension? If you change your lifestyle,

Hypertension is the first chronic disease. It is estimated that one in four is a patient. In 2015, it exceeded 11 million people. The academic community has estimated based on the results of the national survey on health and nutrition. Hypertension is one of three people over 30 years old. The proportion of people aged 65 and over among hypertension therapists is increasing rapidly, from 34% in 2002 to 46% in 2016. 57% of hypertensive therapists are on treatment for diabetes or dyslipidemia. Each increase in blood pressure of 20/10 mmHg doubles the risk of cardiovascular death.

These indicators, which were presented at the recent autumn conference of the Korean Society of Hypertension (chairman of the Chungbuk National University Hospital, Chungbuk National University Hospital), are necessary reasons and sufficient to further strengthen the treatment, management, prevention and early diagnosis of hypertension.

Hypertension, often called "silent killer" because of its absence, presents serious complications if it is not treated. This can lead to an illness characterized by head cramps, such as a stroke, heart failure, coronary heart disease (angina), kidney failure (kidney disease), hypertensive retinopathy, peripheral vascular disease and aortic dissection.

Excessive salt intake, lack of exercise, etc.
The elimination of risk factors is the first button of treatment

According to the Korean Society of Hypertension, the elimination of risk factors for hypertension (excessive salt intake, obesity, lack of physical activity, intense stress, etc.) of daily life is the first step of treatment hypertension. Improving the active lifestyle is important from the beginning. "Drug therapy is a treatment that adds to lifestyle therapy.If patients are good in lifestyle therapy, they can exercise additional stress and reduce the dose." "It's a serious mistake to think that you can keep your bad habits because you're taking drugs," said Dr. Song Il-seok, a professor of cardiovascular medicine at KangDong Kyunghee University Hospital. "It is a serious mistake that ordinary patients and citizens are suffering from many misunderstandings and false information about hypertension.We work with the media to prepare a number of measures." Misconceptions about the & # 39; 39, hypertension are as follows. The comment was made by Professor Hearn.

■ Hypertension medications must be for life

Essential hypertension without a specific cause improves only rarely spontaneously, especially in case of complications, it is necessary to eat for life. However, when blood pressure is lowered through lifestyle improvement, the medication for blood pressure can be reduced or discontinued. Therefore, it is best to manage aggressive lifestyle rather than wait for complications (hypertension complications), and administer blood pressure while taking blood pressure medications if needed.

■ Can defeat hypertension without medication

Medications for high blood pressure are not necessarily necessary in all hypertensive patients. You do not need to take medicine if your blood pressure is normal, without medication and without lifestyle improvements. But not everyone is there. You must actively monitor your blood pressure, lifestyle and risk factors and consult your doctor to determine your treatment.

■ Hypertension medications have very serious side effects

"The side effects are very serious"
This is usually a minor or major problem.

There are many types of hypertension medications, each with different benefits and side effects. In the pharmacopoeia, many side effects are listed. Because they record all known or reported symptoms or changes through clinical studies. However, there are few serious side effects and most of them are benign or immediate.

■ High blood pressure is not a problem if you take medications well

Keep bad habits
Complications such as stroke and heart failure

If you are able to control your blood pressure by eating medications for hypertension, many people think that "high blood pressure is only useful for drugs". But more importantly, it's a way of life. Good lifestyle habits help reduce blood pressure and improve it. It is very bad to take medication for blood pressure and to continue smoking, drinking too much, lack of exercise, obesity.

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