Druking to unconscious … He even called a specialist, an astrologer.


Kim Dong-won (49 ㆍ arrested) & quot; Drouk King & quot; has been meeting in a detention center in Seoul. It's a message.
In mid-July, he met Druking, and he was very receptive to his current situation by saying, "It was my destiny. The court's decision, which is late, would be "well until July 25 (originally scheduled)".
According to Drew King's book, the court's decision in July was not so bad for him.

  Drunk King Kim Dong-won is summoned to the Seocho-gu office in Seoul in the afternoon of the 28th. [연합뉴스]

Drunk King Kim Dong-won is summoned to the Seocho-gu office in Seoul in the afternoon of 28 [연합뉴스]

It seemed that he wanted to be sent in July when he handed the portable storage device (USB) containing the data to the speckling team. The capacity of 128 GB (gigabytes) of USB is supposed to contain the circumstances of incidents involving politicians.

However, the July sentence did not work as expected. On July 20, two days after receiving the USB, the special inspection team investigated four drunken king members for further manipulation of the comments. As a result, the first sentence, scheduled for July 25, has been delayed again.
It is badumed that the context was influenced by the fact that Druking again turned to non-cooperation by saying "It is difficult to make a statement without a lawyer" when he was questioned on the 28th.

Druking has tended to take a fortune or fate before. According to Drunk King's aides, he was interested in astrology and prophecy. A large number of Chinese astrologers, such as "Zamyu Doo" and the Song Dynasty prophecy, were found in the Paju Elm office of Duluku (aka "Sanchae").

  Druk King Comments A special investigator Huh, Ik, who is investigating the alleged manipulation, goes to the office of a specialist in Seocho-gu, Seoul in the afternoon of 29. [연합뉴스]


The special team that recognized the specificity of the incident also responded. The investigation team recently called "astrologer" Kim (56), who was designated as a reference. He is known as an expert in oriental astrology, "Zamyou".

In order to clarify the allegations of manipulation of the commentary and the involvement of politicians, the spy team decided that it was necessary to fully understand the messages in "l & # 39; Data warehouse of Drunk King ". I think it's necessary to objectively guess its current situation based on Drinking's past and speech.
A spokesman for the spy team said, "There is a lot about fortune and prophecy in the evidence that we have seized and secured around King Drunk." badyze the documents to find the link with the crime. I called Kim for the interpretation. "

It is likely that the pbadword of a USB file or a computer file with a pbadword is defined in astrological terminology, and Kim cooperated with him.
Kim , who is in Yeosu, South Jeolla, responded to the cover application saying, "I'm sorry. I have nothing to say. "
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