Economy: Economy: News: Hankyoreh


<img src = "" style = "width: 400px;" title = "강병구 재정 개혁 특별 위원회 위원장 백 백 기자 기자" [email protected] "alt =" Kang Byeong-koo, Chairman of the Special Committee on Financial Reform Chairman of the Special Committee on Financial Reform in. Meeting with the Special Committee on Tax Reform, President Kang Byeong-koo said: "The Special Committee is a presidential advisory body recommending that the government reform the tax system. It is possible that there are some differences, but I hope to include the special recommendation as much as possible in the government's policy and tax reform program. "The Ministry of Strategy and Finance (MFA) expressed its opposition within a day after the Special Committee recommended that the income tax be strengthened." When the government rejected the special recommendation, Kang asked if the activity in the second half would decrease.
Kang is also a progressive economist with a history of participation in solidarity. He is also a member of the Internal Revenue Administration Task Force (TF) of the National Tax Service. He also repeated the phrase "gradual, gradual" in the interview. It is necessary to reform the tax more equitably and more effectively, but it is necessary to lighten the tax burden so quickly that the tax burden on people will increase and that the impact on the economy will only be not important. However, given the polarization of incomes, aging of the population and low fertility, it is necessary to consider a universal symptom, and it is possible to extend it to the "universal symptom" beyond " rich symptom ".

– The submission of comments on the Special Committee on Financial Reforms was rejected within one day.
"The Special Committee on Financial Reform is an advisory body composed of tax and financial experts and it is the government's duty to recommend to the government the proposed tax reform which has been discussed and discussed by experts. has issued a recommendation, but the government, which is the tax authority, may have another look.It is also the government's ultimate judgment on when and how the special recommendation will be presented. hopes that the special recommendation will be included in government policy and tax reform. "
– Unlike the reform of the global property tax, why were the reforms of finance and rental income not discussed in the debate?
"It was very long to discuss financial income and rental income, and the conclusions could not be drawn, so it was difficult to notice or disclose it in advance. April, the deadline of the first half of the year was limited to three months.
– If the government rejects the recommendations in the first half of the year, is it possible that the special powers fall in the second half?
"This is a worrying part, but there is nothing definite about it.The tax reforms are recommended by the special committee and established by the tax authorities and subject to the process of parliamentary debate.I will see if the special proposal is well reflected in the remaining process. "
– Which part of the Privilege Internal Tax was the most unpleasant compared to the taxation of the family?
"Many members of the committee were in agreement with the standardization of the holding tax, but because of the recent sharp increase in the advertised price, concerns about increased tax burden and tax resistance were significant. In the case of the plan to increase the fair market value ratio, all taxpayers, regardless of badet size, will be affected and if the ratio is raised to 100%, the adjustment function will disappear The combined land is mainly business land and it is claimed that a preferential treatment is required due to the decrease in business activity if the tax burden increases.
– Even if the annual tax is revised, there will be no significant change in the effective tax rate.
"Korea has a low effective tax rate on membership in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), but the tax rate on transactions is high. increase in fair market value of 5 percentage points may be insignificant, we considered that the price of the recent announcement was greater than 10 %.The burden of the holding tax will be gradually and gradually extended.I believe that we should not only increase the level of realization of disclosure prices, but also work to normalize the standard of taxation by correcting the difference in rate of change of market value by region, price and type.
– There is little evaluation on the reform of the annual tax system.
"Accept humbly, as the charge of the detention tax increased, it was judged to be rather weak.They also insisted that they should reflect the reality of the economy according to the members. from the committee, and suggested that they should be reformed in terms of theoretical rationality.The coordination process was not easy and a lot of effort was needed. "
– Given the polarization of incomes, low fertility and aging, major changes in taxation and finances are needed. Is & # 39; rich & # 39; or & # 39; feeling & # 39; enough?
"Given the reality of the weak social protection system in Korea, financial expansion is inevitable.It is also necessary to consider progressive and universal policy measures in the expansion of financial resources. , tax reform should be preceded by a reform of the tax system to improve tax fairness. "
– How are the taxation of capital gains and tax reform plans on transfer income, what are the main issues discussed in the second half of the year?
"We believe that a broader issue of fair taxation will be dealt with, such as capital gains taxation discussions in the case of capital gains taxation and the Rational adjustment of the capital gains tax in the case of capital gains tax The Ministry will organize subdivisions by category and by sector to study various reform proposals, discuss views on relevant ministries and discuss reform measures We will prepare a roadmap for medium- and long-term financial reform by collecting opinions at different levels and we plan to present the final recommendation to the government at the end of the year. l & # 39; year.
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