Economy: Economy: News: Hankyoreh


The 4th Informal Dinner
11 people were present including Kim Dong-yeon, Deputy Prime Minister

  Kim Dong-yeon, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance, chairs the "2nd Ministerial Meeting on Innovation and Growth" at the BMW Driving Center in Yeongjong-do, Incheon, China. April 4th. Provided by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance

Kim Hyun-soo, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance, chairs the 2nd Ministerial Meeting on Innovation and Growth at the BMW Driving Center in Yeongjong-do, Incheon. Supplied by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance

the Ministers of the Economy agreed that large-scale investment projects at the national level are needed to find the next industry's flagship.
The Minister of Finance and the Economy, including Deputy Prime Minister Kim Dong-yeon and the Minister of Strategy and Finance, hosted an informal three-hour dinner to communicate without any complaints near Gwanghwamun on the 4th. announced the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. During the second year of the Moon Jae-in government, there was a place to open the team work of ministers of the ministers of the economy and to share ideas on political orientation. The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Baek Woon-kyu, the Minister of Commerce and Industry of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Hong Kyong-hak, the Minister of Commerce and Industry Industry, Min Kyung-Hwa, Minister of Health and Welfare, Kim Young-chun, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
Participants agreed that private investment is important for creating jobs and decided to contact businesses when they were up and running. They also acknowledged that a "big investment project" at the national level is needed to overcome the current economic difficulties and find food for the future. Regulatory innovation has attracted the attention of the public and not stakeholders. If there is a disagreement between the ministries, the ministers will discuss it directly.
Thinking back to the year of the Moon Jae-in government, he also introduced his own subcommittee. Although we have successfully changed the economic paradigm and managed risk factors domestically and internationally, the deterioration in income distribution and youth employment have been the most painful l & # 39; investigation. We are committed to taking all necessary measures and responding accordingly.
We decided to frequently hold informal meetings to share opinions on economic issues in the future. In January of last year, we held the "Lightning" Hope meeting and discussed the minimum wage market and real estate market policy.
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