Electrolytic iron … “


The Democratic Party MP (photo) declared the election at the party election on the 15th in addition to Electro – He raised his presence rather than declare it. This is because the fact that the former senator who can influence the views of opposition MPs raises their hand is a key variable of the convention.

In particular, the representative Choi Jae – sung, who led unification negotiations with the former members of parliament, and the representative Kim Jin – pyo, who helped both sides of the Gyeonggi government & # 39; The Park Yeong-seon and Song Young-gil finalists are expected to run this week.

of the Electoral Commission
The former representative Lee posted on his own Facebook page, saying: "The Democratic Party has struggled to stand in the National Assembly to achieve the way forward, "but the Democratic Party I do not think I should necessarily be a party leader if I can work together for action. "He said," I think it's a good decision for me to find a different role if I have a chance of being a minor hurdle or a burden for the innovation of my party and the success of the government.

"The rise of Kim Eun-cheol"
The former representative Moon Jae-in is called "the third trilogy" with Lee Ho-chul, former chairman of the presidential committee, Min Jeong- For this reason, it was considered a key link in the bottling of the representative group of representative candidates. A Democratic member of the Democratic Party said: "The former lawmaker declared his absence and did not lose his influence, but he emerged as a" key man "capable of controlling the ruling party. However, the former senator did not support a specific candidate at the door of the day.

  In addition, the Democratic Party deputy Kim Jin-pyo officially declares his candidacy for the presidential contest at the meeting of the members of the National Assembly on August 15 at the National Assembly Hall in The morning of the 15th. In addition, Kim Jong-pyo of the Democratic Party officially declared his candidacy for the presidential race in the National Parliamentary Assembly 8-25, which will be held at the National Assembly Hall on morning of the 15th, at the press conference the same day . Kim said, "We need the ruling economic party to lead a competent economic party for the success of Moon Jae-in's government." [사진=연합뉴스]

Kim Jin-pyo, "Think Like the Past, Choi"
Candidates who are considering unification with former senators express their expectations. Kim Jin-pyo, who declared his candidacy for the day, was waiting for a unification with the former legislators. He said: "I have the same idea with Chae Jae-sung and Choi Jae-sung (on the success of the Moon Jae-in government), and I've been discussing unification since I have the same base.I have a lot of consensus with the old lawmakers. "We have not yet had time to talk, so there is room for discussion." He said at From a press conference at the National Assembly Hall this morning morning: "We need a representative of the Economic Party to lead a competent economic party for the success of the government.

Choi Jae-sung, a candidate for support
Choi also hopes for the support of former lawmakers. We discussed unification with former MPs. In particular, Choi stressed that this is not true about the observations that the chairman of the planning and finance committee will abandon the challenge. Choi said: "We are doing everything we can to meet the National Assembly by discussing unification with former members of Parliament, and suddenly, refraining from chairing the standing committee does not allow us to meet with the National Assembly by discussing unification with former members of parliament, and suddenly, refraining from chairing the standing committee. is not politics. It seems. "

Lee Hae-chan Jung Joong-dong & # 39; march
The highest member of parliament, Lee Hae-chan, Lee was expected to run for president sooner than expected, but he was ambiguous because he did not want to run.

A Democratic official said, "This advisor has served as Prime Minister, so it's hard to get out like the other candidates, and this must be in the form of being followed by the juniors." "I do not need to actively help other candidates," he said. The former senator has abandoned the presidency of his party, but he does not mention the senator.

Elected Member of the Electoral Commission
Political interests attract attention in the next move of former lawmakers who abandoned the party's run-up to the election. In Cheong Wa Dae and the Democratic Party, his attitude is also high. It is possible that he will be appointed Minister of Justice to fulfill the presidential promise, including with regard to the promulgation of the law promulgated by the government.

On the 15th, starting with Kim Seung-won, prominent candidates will be announced this week. On October 17, Park will declare his candidacy and on December 18, Song will be declared running. It is feared that the National Assembly will fail to win the show after the declaration of Park Bum-gyu's candidacy for a while, but it is expected that the electoral war will resume with the declaration of candidates' candidates from this week.

[김태준 기자]

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