Elegant brothers "ethnic supermarket delivery list"


Yogi yo · Delivery box operation Alji Pikori also examines "if fees can be reduced"

Elegant brothers

[아시아경제 조한울 기자] Kim Bong-jin, a representative of the elegant brothers, attended a thorough inspection of the small and medium business committee of the National Assembly on May 26: "Restaurant owners are willing to disclose the winner of the list if they wish. "

This is the answer to the fact that Jung Woo-taek, a member of the Free Korean National Party, pointed out that "there is a strong demand in the sector to release the successful bidder".

"Super List" is the call-type advertising product that exposes the restaurant with the second highest amount at the top. However, the price of the contract is not disclosed. This has led to criticisms that the application fees would increase in some areas.

Kim said, "If the price of the contract is disclosed, investors are willing to pay higher prices when they see the price of the winning bid." We must ask ourselves what measures will be useful to homeowners. "When Jeong again asked," Do you intend to publish the price of the contract, "Kim replied," I have an intention. "

Chung added, "Even if there is a duplicate coin, we receive the same advertising fee for the" Ultra Call "advertisement that exposes the name of the store just below the super list. it's justice? "Kim also said," I'm going to think about it. "

Kim said, "I'm looking for ways to speed things up," he said, adding that settling the payment through the delivery application takes a lot of time.

Chung also interviewed Kang Shin-bong, president of Alji Pyo Korea, head of Yogyo and the distribution center, "There is a big difference in commission between franchised restaurants and clbadic restaurants." Kang said, "We are constantly reviewing if we can reduce fees."

Jo Hanul reporter [email protected]

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