"Endure 1300 degrees Celsius" … a solar probe with a launch countdown


  Solar Probe The imagination that the Solar Parker probe observes around the sun. [사진 NASA]

A Solar Probe The imagination that Parker Solar probe observes around the sun. "

The NASA Solar Probe, Parker Solar Probe, is about to be launched and NASA sent an invitation to launch a media survey in each country on Monday (local time). launch is the Cape Canaveral Air Base in Florida, USA Parker Solar Probe's mission is to get as close to the sun as possible and transfer relevant data to Earth.

As a project called Touch Sun, the probe is as close to the sun as possible.Parking Solar Probe will collect data on the sun's orbiting at four million miles (6.4 million kilometers) .This is one-tenth of the distance between the Sun and the nearest planet, Mercury-Sun (57.9 million km) Parker Solar Probe owes its name to Eugene Parker, 91, a professor of astrophysics at the University of Chicago. This is the first time NASA appoints a surviving scientist in a This means that Eugene Parker, who proposed the solar wind for the first time, has a big footprint. In 1958, he published an article entitled "Dynamism of Planetary Interstellar Gases and Magnetic Fields," which is considered a pioneer in solar research. "We expect the probe to reveal the secrets of the sun's physical properties wrapped in sails since Eugene Parker's discovery of the solar wind," said Nikolla Fox's Johns Hopkins University researcher who led the project.

The sun is too far for you to close. The temperature around the sun is always a mystery. The solar surface temperature that produces energy by fusion of hydrogen is 5500 degrees. In comparison, Corona, the highest atmosphere of the solar system, reached 550 million. Scientists still can not answer why the crown is hotter than the sun's surface. NASA hopes that Parker Solar Probe will send the data needed to solve the mystery of temperature. Dr. Bong Soo-chan, a researcher at the Korea Astronomy Observatory, said, "Solving the secrets of the process of formation of the solar corona will bring us closer to the process of sun formation."

The solar wind is also studied by the probe. The solar wind is a particle wind that blows from the sun into the earth. The solar wind in the airless space is because the sun emits protons and electrons. In this way, the fine particles of the sun reach a million tons per second. The solar wind reaches the Earth at a speed of 500 km per second, but in severe cases, electromagnetic disturbances cause a paralysis of communication. The National Academy of Sciences estimates that the sudden change of the sun could result in economic losses of about $ 2 trillion ($ 2 trillion). GPS and communication facilities paralyze and the loss due to rapid changes in climate and ocean currents. Astronomer physicist Robert Coker said: "The solar flare caused a large-scale disruption in 1921, and by that time, the damage had risen to $ 1 trillion at the time current. " If an abnormal explosion occurs repeatedly "He said.

This exploration is more likely to fail than any other exploration.The compact size of the Parker Solar Probe must withstand the solar wind and temperatures that can to reach 1300 degrees Celsius.To do this, the probe is heavily armed with a barrier 11.4 cm thick carbon NASA has invested 1.5 billion dollars (1.66 billion dollars ) in 1945919 The solar probe contained the names of 1.1 million people who wanted to participate in the project. names [사진 NASA]” data-src=”http://pds.joins.com//news/component/htmlphoto_mmdata/201807/04/870f2658-42c7-42a4-8f9f-dfbed5129619.jpg”/>

The solar probe contained the names of 1.1 million people who wanted to participate in the project NASA researchers hold memory cards with names.

[NASA] To make this project a success, 1, 1 million people on Earth I've installed a memory card containing the name. NASA had 1,110,000 of 1,137,202 people registered by the April home page. The applicants also provided evidence of participation in the exploration project. The nail-size memory card included a photograph of Eugene Parker and an article that he published in 1985. It is expected that the probe will release the secret of the wind solar that he predicted.

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