England scored eight goals on eleven in "Peace Set". … NFL · tactics of the NBA dissolved


The main theme of the FIFA World Cup in Russia is "set-piece".

Set piece is a game in which the ball is stopped on the ground and the game is played through the promised game, Corner kick, Penalty kick, etc.

To score with coins, you need breathing and organizing between players.

A well-prepared and well-trained team often has a strong advantage over the set-piece.

According to the FIFA Technical Research Group (TSG), 39.3% of the total points of the Russian World Cup Group are accounted for in a defined situation It was established in.

The introduction of video readings (VAR) has contributed to the increase in penalty kicks, but there is a tendency to increase game pieces as more teams focus on the organization.

England is representative.

England scored eight of 11 goals scored in the quarterfinals against Sweden in the set-piece situation on August 8 (Korea time). I did it.

Southgate worked on the NFL and American NBA tactics to improve the team's ability to move and create space.

Southgate dropped the schedule of the Premier League game of the National Football League, and visited the Super Bowl last year and the NFL Championship this year.

In addition, NFL Seattle Seahawks, Minnesota NBA Timberwolves I have visited in person and won the tactics.

England won 2-0 over Sweden, which was well known for its defense force, with a set-piece winner

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