Epic Seven, the anticipated smile … "Graphics – Optimize to the next level" | IT / Science | News


Smilegate MegaPort targets the domestic and foreign mobile gaming market with "Epic Seven" 2D mobile graphics RPG. For Epic Seven, we have recruited a large number of commercial marketing professionals who have successfully launched mobile RPGs abroad. We will launch full marketing support for Korea and will provide full support to marketing to abroad he is successful.

Smilegate Megaport held a media showcase at Grade Hotel in Yeouido, Seoul on the 30th, and announced the major information and service plan of "Epic Seven". developed by SuperCreative and will be provided by the company.

& # 39; is a 2D gaming specialist that was founded by Kang Ki-hyun, who developed & # 39; Kingdom Under Fire & # 39; and & # 39; Shining Roar & # 39 ;, and Kim Hyung-seok, who developed & # 39; Sakker Spirits & # 39; Epic Seven is the first RPG for turn-based 2D graphics games that embodies for the first time in Korea the movements of all characters in high resolution animation and which has a great story for each character.

MegaPort Business manager Sang-hoon Smilegate said: "Epic Seven will be the biggest player in this year's smilegate game." The best 2D graphics quality and the ability to make it fluid on low-end devices. range are the biggest benefits, "he said." I am convinced that I will be loved as much as a project that has been very successful, "and stressed:" I will do my utmost to get a world-clbad mobile service. "

Part is 2D graphic quality.The project started with the goal of trying to make the most of 2D games, and explains that they did not compromise the graphics during the three years of development.

Kim Hyung-suk, CEO of SuperCreative, said, "Yuna's engine is a motor that has many advantages in terms of speed loading, memory efficiency and capacity. "" Graphic Quality En More than optimizing performance, we have also pushed it to the extreme. "We're going to run from the game to the lobby, and it takes about 10 seconds," said Epic Seven.

We used the turn method, which was mainly used in Japanese RPGs in the past. Epic Seven has taken a complete turn, like the Final Fantasy series or the Dragon Quest series, while the recent turn-based RPGs are half real in the real-time and turn-based approaches.

Kim explained that 2D graphics that are not available in 3D graphics are appealing to Epic Seven. "The recent 3D games are long in memory, while the old 2D games are clearly memorized in one point," he said. "I think the value of 2D games made with quality will last for decades."

Smilegate MegaPort has recruited a large number of global service professionals for its 'Epic Seven' service. Typical cases are Kwon Ik-hoon, chief of business division and Lee Sang-hoon, director of business.

Kwon Ik-hoon, director of the company, said: "There is still no 3D RPG on the world market, and I think 2D games are more likely to succeed they're perfect. "We've been troubled since the beginning of the production process for the success of Epic Seven's worldwide service."

Currently, Epic Seven only supports English and is Chinese (traditional) in addition to Korean Other languages ​​plan to add after looking at the situation Lee said: "I am focusing on the launch of Korea, and I am ready to make the aggressive marketing abroad if I get good results in Korea. "

Seo Dongmin, Hankyung.com, the game reporter [email protected]

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