ETRI to develop voice call technology


ETRI and Lee Sang-hoon of ETRI cooperate with Haitian Engineering Co., Ltd., an artificial intelligence (AI) software, to conduct a three to four level autonomous navigation

  Call a self-driving car with the help of a smartphone
<스마트폰을 이용해 자율주행차를 호출하는 모습>

The search team uses a voice recognition app for smartphone to call a smartphone with a voice, and the autonomous car runs by itself even. I moved to the place where the user was. This is the first time we are developing a technology that calls for autonomous vehicles with mobile devices.

The team also created a technology to automatically create and update a map around an autonomous car to recognize the environment around the road.

In order to be able to use it in a small electric car devoid of electrical power, the self-driven AI algorithm optimization algorithm SW is also completed, and he managed to drive the autonomous driving algorithm with a consumption less than 100W.

<img src = "" alt = "Kang Jeong-kyu (left) and Cho Yong-woo (right) demonstrate A PC equipped with an autonomous vehicle

<img src = "" alt = "Meanwhile,] L & # 39; The research team organized a demonstration of autonomous driving in the park the same day and directly proved its performance.

The research team developed enough technology to demonstrate autonomous navigation by attaching parts directly to ordinary vehicles.

Choi Jeong-dan, head of the autonomous navigation system research group, said: "We have developed enough technology to implement autonomous navigation functions by simply mounting components on ordinary vehicles" and "I will try to make autonomous navigation technology a new industry of convergence by adding work of improvement, stabilization and optimization of algorithms."

Daejeon = Kim Young-jun journalist [email protected]

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