EU, fermented safeguard for 23 steel products … US Customs countermeasures :: News


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[Bruxelles, AP] Cecilia Malmstrom, President of the Trade Commission of the European Union, · We are holding a press conference on the tariff policy of aluminum. 2018.03.09

The European Union (EU) will issue a temporary guarantee on 23 steel products from the 19th (local time)

The European Commission said on May 18 that it would take such measures to Following tariffs for steel and aluminum products recently imposed on the EU by the United States

The commission found that there was a sign that steel suppliers to the United States The United States had transferred some of its exports to the EU and to avoid an increase in imports that could cause problems for EU steel producers already struggling with overproduction,

He stressed that it was justified to take security measures. "The US tariff on steel products causes a change in trade," said in a statement Cecilia Malmstrom, Trade Commissioner of the European Union, "it can seriously damage the steel industry and workers from the EU ". 19659005] "There was no choice but to introduce interim measures to protect the industry in the region in anticipation of the surge in imports," he said. he said, adding that "we will continue to monitor steel imports early next year."

The EU action is the result of a self-study that began on March 26.

The Commission has expressed concerns about possible imports of Asian producers stuck in US exports to the European market due to US import tariffs. According to the World Trade Organization (WTO), the EU can trigger a 200-day temporary backup if there is evidence that US rights have seriously threatened the industry. Steel and aluminum in the region or that damage was caused

As a result, 23 products were found to increase imports on the 28 products subject to the investigation are subject to a 25% tariff on imports that exceed the average volume of imports over the last three years. It covers all countries, with the exception of a few developing countries where exports to the EU are limited.

According to Reuters, China, India, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine are the main steel exporting countries to the EU.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the amount of EU exports to the 23 steel products is 3302 000 tonnes, or 2.9 billion US dollars.

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