EXID, I was in a comeback, "I felt even more important at my sister's"


The EXID completes the return.

The teaser's image and that of Hanii, the first rider of EXID's personal teaser, were released on the 12th. Hani peered at the front with a red-colored suit and lay down on the table. The image both bady and provocative conveys an intense feeling that contrasts with the usual bright and energetic atmosphere, sparking expectations for the new album.

In the video broadcast at midnight after the live countdown, Hani talked about the expectations of a return by revealing a sincere response and an album making the video the problem of returning to interview format. Since there was a long interval of two years before the return, I asked him for the testimony of the return. If there is none, I know the importance. When I have five people together, I feel more important because I do not have the preciousness. I'm waiting for everything that will come back. "

Fans who have been waiting for the return, "The people of LEGGO (LEGGO) have been waiting for a long time, we are ready to take advantage of it, I hope that you will be ready for the best and that you will enjoy the perfect return with us for two years. I was sorry for making you wait too long and I was grateful for it's the party now. "

At the end of the video, EXID's new song, "I LOVE YOU," which will be released on the 21st, will be released for the first time.

Hwang Ji Young, journalist [email protected]

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