False papers available in "pseudo-lectures" & # 39; Wassett & # 39; … 5th in Korea and 100th at the Seoul National University "- Sports Trend


It is confirmed that it is possible to participate as a fake article at the international academic conference WASET

On the 19th, the outpost gives the opportunity to present the conference without the proper examination process by only paying for the participation. ” />

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In a hotel in northern Venice, Italy, on November 13, WASET (World Academy)

Journalists conducted in-depth interviews and a badysis of data to examine Wbadett submissions and the operation of academic conferences [

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First, after making false papers with the SCIgen program automatic generator of paper MIT, He contributed to the journals and published a false thesis at the Wbadett conference with 500 euros.

Including the number of published articles or academic conferences in each country, Korea ranked 5th in the world and Seoul in the lead with 100 in Korea.

According to the media, the number of Korean researchers using Waseda's academic journals and academic conferences has exploded since 2014 and has grown to over 1,000 in recent years.

In the case of OMICS, which works similarly to that of Wbadett, the number of Korean scholars who have been appointed to Wbadett since the year 2007 is 1812 ” />

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This gathering of news and German public broadcasting NDR and other international collaborations covering as the International Association of Papers The fate of fictional academic journals and academic conventions led by the public became clear.

In 1988, Nobel laureate Robert Hoover said, "Well, it's the first time I've been able to find a job, it's a pirates magazine. This is an obvious scam. "

Perid de Murad, doctor priest and Nobel laureate, said in 1988:" Unfortunately, some countries set the size of the researcher's salary and funding for research into depending on the number of articles and quotations cited .. The development criterion should be the quality of the paper. "

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