"Find a Smoke Cannon" … Drunking, Drilling


The special investigation team Huh, Kim (59 years old, Institute for Research and Judicial Training) who investigates the case of "Druking how manipulation", focuses its investigative power on securing the "smoking case"

Most spies will work on the weekend even on the 7th.

The spokesman called a number of people involved in the case to get some evidence for the testimony. The members of Druk King Kim (49), the main culprit of the alleged manipulation of the comments, and his "economic cooperation meeting" (Kyung-Joo Hyom), were summoned to a special investigation more than once.

(35), & Paros & # 39; Kimmo (49th), Sungwon & # 39; Kimmo (49th), "Chopo & # 39; Kimmo (43rd), & Woomo (32nd) And so on. The attorneys of lawyer Avocas (61) and lawyer Yoon (46) of the "Festival of Life" were also summoned.

In addition, the speckled team said that they were not allowed to comment on Kyeongwonmomo's handling activities, the program "kinkaku". developed by them, I've been accused of various suspicions.

Above all, specialists focus on securing Druking's statements, the key and culpable part of the suspicion. The spy team summoned Druking three times on the 28th and 30th of last month and today.

The spokesperson also spoke on the 28th of last month, at the first convocation of Druking, for four hours before the investigation. After the investigation, he interviewed Druke for 10 minutes and asked him to cooperate with the investigation.

The SP also began acquiring physical evidence. In addition to police and educational evidence, we focused on gathering new evidence.

The Special Investigation Team conducted a confiscation search on major portal sites such as Naver, Daum and Nate on the 5th of last month. The police also searched for seizures and obtained the data, but the spy team found a trace of the new identification using the period or period of use of the specific data.

If necessary, it is a confiscated search position.

In the legal profession, it is expected that Druk King's statement and the addition of the secure portal server will become crucial evidence as part of the investigation into the future. espionage team. He goes out. A prosecution lawyer said: "In particular, the part of the police investigation that was facing the limit was resolved at the stage of the special investigation," he said.

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