"Flame rider" of 11-under-par Lee Young-young … Joint Leading Leap


Lee Sook-young ran an under-par 11 for the MY Mun Young Queens Park KLPGA Tour Championship in the second round.

Lee Soo-young ran for the second time at the Solomoro Golf Course in Yeosu, Gyeonggi.

Shooting sensitivity and touch sensitivity were the best, with a 100% green success rate.

Lee So-young, who recorded a median total of 14 under par,

Lee Soo-young's 11-under-par score totaled 61 birdies at 60 under 60 at the time of the day. 18-hole event last year,

Lee So-young, who won the ninth of the nine masters by nine last April, is looking to win the second season and win three individual titles.

Wang Woo, who was the leader of the first day on the first day, came in third with a total of 12 under par with Kim Hae-sun,

The tournament, which won a total of of 600 million won and a price of 120 million won, will be held in the third round until tomorrow (19659002).

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