Former Commander Cho Hyun-cheon "I ordered martial law, I did it"


  Cho Hyun-cheon, the commander of the Korean army

Cho Hyun-cheon, the military commander of the army

It was argued that the former commander Cho Hyun-cheon said that he was the author of martial law.

On March 16, MBC quotes a senior government official who was familiar with the military martial law documents on the 16th and reports that the current commander in the United States made a phone call with a military friend recently.
According to the show, Commander Cho said, "The document to revise martial law is what he ordered to be completed. He said: "I will come back soon and I will receive a special inquiry."
It was reported that the commander himself proposed and directed the document, not the superior or inferior proposal.
The media have said that it is difficult to predict if this is true or whether it actually protects the top line that has led the writing.

The Special Investigation Service of the Special investigator must investigate with the 2nd Public Security Section of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor 's Office against ex – officers who are former commanders of the Hyun – chon Cho.

The black man's human rights center in downtown Seoul investigates the alleged conspiracy and the preliminary conspiracy of the military rebellion in the second division of the public security bureau to accuse Cho Jang-seon, the chief of the army.

A Special Forces command official said, "We know that the central prosecutor is conducting an investigation into Commander Joseon.

Last week, the special unit was appointed chief of the Air Force headquarters justice unit and comprised of 31 people, including 15 military and military prosecutors (under -officiers).
The period of activity is up to the 10th of next month, but it can be extended up to 3 times by 30 days if requested by the general manager according to the situation of investigation .
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