From Chiba to Daejeon … Table Tennis (Mirae Asset Daewoo, Woojin)


North Korea at the Korea Open A single team consisting of male, female, mixed doubles

1991 Chiba · 2018 Sweden World Championship Individual team experience

(Yongjongdo = Yonhap News) Reporter of Dong-cheol = "Table Tennis" which is a supporting element of "unique South and North team" played a leading role in the exchanges intercoral sports.

North Korea Table Tennis Team 25 people participated in an International Table Tennis Tournament (ITTF) in 2018. South Korea once again showed that table tennis was the leader Korean sportsmen.

Table tennis is an event in which only one North and South team is composed for the first time.

It is the table tennis that made a single team for the first time, although the individual effort that had been tried several times in the general competition as the Tokyo Olympics in 1963 and the Beijing Asian Games in 1990 did not bear fruit. At Panmunjeom Peace House, they organized a meeting of South Korean and North Korean sports and decided to send only one team to the Chiba Table Tennis World Championships (April) and the Portuguese Championships. Junior football (June). It was a protocol of agreement between South Korea and North Korea,

At that time, the selection of South and North Korean players was conducted by a single team promotion organization. The women's teams were selected by Jung Jung Hwa, Hong Jae Jung (South Korea), Lee Bum Hee and Yu Soon Bok (North Korea) and Yu Nam Kyu, Kim Taek Soo (South Korea) and Kim Sung Hee (South Korea). North Korea).

The unique team players were training for 46 days, including Nagano, Nagaoka, Chiba and other months of battery training abroad, and after training for the 9th Women's Team Championship at the Chiba World Championships in April of this year. He achieved a remarkable performance by breaking the shine and winning the gold medal.

At the time, Hyun Jung Hwa (current director of Let's Run) and Lee Bum-hee (current president of the Association for the Handicapped) were the champions of a only team.

Table tennis has had good relations with players from the North and South since the Olympic Games, the Asian Games, the Asian Championships and the ITTF tournaments.

It was at the World Championships (team competition) that took place in Halmstad, Sweden,

The World Championship was held just after the South-North Summit between President Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un, the North Korean Secretary of State, and an atmosphere of reconciliation. is formed north and south.

Here, a team consisting of a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the cooperation of Thomas Baikert's President of ITFF are added to the team. I went to the semi-finals side by side.

In the fourth round, the walls of Japan were blocked, but the nine female athletes from the North and South both won a bronze medal in fourth place.

This is the reenactment of a single team from South Korea and North for 27 years since the 1991 World Cup in Chiba.

Table tennis also promoted a single team at the Asian Games in Jakarta-Palembang next month. However, the Asian Games Olympic Council (OCA), which hosts the Asian Games, has decided not to increase the number of entries.

But inter-Korean trade does not stop.

Originally, North Korea asked Pyongyang to attend the opening ceremony last month, but it was misunderstood for various reasons.

However, the Korean Table Tennis Association asked the ITTF to participate in the opening.
Kim Young-chul, vice chairman of the North Korean Workers Party and unification chief Kim Hyung-kyun, who visited Pyongyang in North Korea on May 5, announced his intention to participate in the meeting. 39, Korea Open.

At the Korea Open, they played only one team in men's and women's doubles, and not mixed Asian and Asian games.

Jang Woojin (Daewoo Asset Mirae) – Cha Hyosim (North Side), Yoo Eun-gun (POSCO) Joint Energy Duet) – Shin-hyuk Park (North Side) Joe breathes.

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