"From Colleagues to Enemies" … Shinil Group & # 39; 150 treasure boat & # 39; ghost


"The real name of Chairman of the Shinil Group Dinyeskoe Group International Exchange is Ryu Seung-jin Ryu Seung-jin is currently a fugitive in Vietnam and Laos and has been suspended for more than 15 cases "[Kim Dae-young, président mondial de Jay Nguyen]

" In the past, Ryu Seung-jin and Hong Kong- I manipulated the price of the action, received the investment and intercepted it.

The controversy over the reality of the Shinil group, which has expressed the voice of Korea claiming to have discovered Donsuko's treasure off the coast of Ulleungdo on the 15th, is hot.On November 19, Ryu Seung-jin, chairman of the Shinil group, and Hong Kun-pyo, chairman of the Shinil Kwang Chae group, were among colleagues involved in the fraudulent execution of STX Construction, Donga Construction and Sambu Construction.

The two people who showed good chemistry in the mergers and acquisitions sector, such as Dong-Yang Construction, have taken a share of shareholders without a week of stocks to become shareholders. Recently, when the key people in Shinil's Kwang Chae group were arrested, the people who worked under this group went out and created the Shinil group. The Shinil group also means that he was rooted in the Shinil group. "The Dakscoi was discovered in the 2000s while I worked at Dong-A Construction," said Hong Kun-pyo, chairman of Shinil Kwang-chae group. "We are carrying out fraudulent activities against the people," say Shinil Group leaders.

◇ The amount of baekgwon investment is removed

The beginning of this case of 150 trillion won Donsuko dates back to 2015 ~ 2016 with Shinil Industry, Donga Construction Industry, Donga Construction M & A.

According to a complaint filed by Kim Dae-young, Jay-Nyu Global chairman of the Southern District Court, Mr. Hong Kong chairman of Shinil Yutobil and Ryu Seung-jin, the current chairman of the Shinil Group, were on a boat. Ryu, who was not able to enter Korea for fraud and other cases, was conducting fraudulent activities on the Internet while traveling to Vietnam and Laos, which is hard to trace. . The card that Ryu has removed is Hong Keon – pyo card. He has worked in the Donga Construction Secretariat in the past.

Ryu's cellular pattern would have been a bridge between the two. A representative of a medium-sized construction company said: "Mr. Ryong was introduced to Mr. Hong by Mr. Jong-Seong Kim, who was a motive for sticking his cell. "Kim Jong-seong and Mr. Hong Kun-pyo were friends who worked together in Donga Construction. Ryu and Hong established a company named Shinil Yu Utvil Construction (Shinil Consortium) at Paper Company in December 2015 in this regard.

Ryu stepped in to take over the construction industry, STX Construction, Donga Construction, Sambu Construction and other major construction companies under the direction of the court. In the process, Kim Dae-yung insisted that he did not return the money after investing money, or deliberately bought shares to make profits . Dong-A Construction also said, "Shinil Yutoville is an established company with a capital of 100 million won and disguised in connection with Shinil construction." He said: "Shinil construction has been deceived as if all Yutoville buildings were under construction.

After the acquisition of Dong-A Construction in 2016, the company began a large-scale corporate hunt with Shin Hyun-gil, Kim Jong Sung, Kim Yong-Han and vice president. -President Lee Deok-ho. At the time of Sambu's project, the Financial Supervision Service was also suspected of manipulating stock prices.

They also fought against investors as bait. If you invest 100 million ~ 200 million won because you do not have enough funds to meet the contractors, you will have the right to operate the ship after the takeover of the company's business. construction. According to the complaint filed in the South District Act, Hong said that Jomo would soon be named chairman of Dongmoon Construction in September 2016, and asked to invest 300 million won to give the owner the right to operate the apartment on the building site. In addition, according to the decision of the South District Court on November 16 last, they also intercepted 100 million won to investors as bait to give the right to dismantle the new Pyeongtaek construction project, he said. been sentenced to 10 years in prison and two years probation.

shareholders Minority shareholders were deceptive and hunting companies

They also hunted small businesses and hunted companies to seize companies. Mainly for businesses with small shareholders. Mr. Ryu posted a negative comment about the existing management team when he posted a newsletter with several identity cards in an Internet cafe meeting in a small shareholder abroad. A victim of a minority coffee said, "Liu has incited shareholders to raise hundreds of messages that slander the company and distort the embezzlement of leaders, embezzlement, etc." "We need capitalists and talents to save the business. Hong said, "I did a face-to-face with ma'am, and then I was behind the scenes through the phone and the SNS in Vietnam."

President Kim Dae-jung claims that Ryu and Hong have tried to deprive Jiangyin Global and Jayu Oil Global in this way. When the company's representative was arrested, he had occupied the Jayu Oil Global office building in Gasan-dong, Geumcheon-gu and leased it to others. Kim said, "They used to attack the gangs to take the company, and they badaulted them."

◇ Make a new person a "Shinil group" as a key member when he was arrested

[Hong Kong] Hong is mistaken for Ryu because Hong is arrested and Kim Jong-seok and Lee Deok-ho are tried. Ryu created a new company by collecting Yu Bung-ki, Huh Byeong-hwa and Yoo Sang-mi, who worked for Hong at the time. The next blog ID in the Shinil group is "lolioio", which was used by Ryu Seungjin.

And the idea of ​​Hong, the treasure ship project, was removed. To the existing victims, Mr. Hong handed over his debt to Mr. Hong saying that he took all the money. In the end, Hong and Ryu had problems. Hong accused the leaders of the Shinil group of having bought the law of the South Branch.

On the other hand, Mr. Hong claims that the Shinil Group issues a virtual currency called Shinil Gold Coin, which means that 150,000 billion won of Donskoy are misleading as real badets of the Shinil Group.

Hong said: "We are selling a lot of victims through the sale of coins and illegal multi – level sales as collateral for the Donsko – Ii". "The Shinil Group is engaged in the artificial manipulation of its price of action


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