FTC, Hanjin Group disguised as an affiliate … President Cho Yang-ho, charged


  Hanjin group chairman Cho Yang-ho will appear in the southern district of Seoul to receive a review of the mandate on May 5. Kang Jung-hyun

Hanjin Group President Cho Yang-ho is appearing in the southern district of Seoul to receive a review of the mandate on May 5. Cho Jin-ho (69), chairman of Hanjin Group, who risks being arrested by prosecutors for allegedly falsely accusing him of falsifying hundreds of billions of won. inheritance tax, risk of being charged by the Fair Trade Commission.

According to the industry on May 5, the FTC office proposed to the committee, at the end of last month, an examination report (corresponding to the prosecutor's office) accused of accusing Cho as a member of the Hanjin group.

Hanjin Group is suspected of missing three affiliates belonging to President Sang-jin Tae-jin, Cho's brother-in-law, when he submitted a list of affiliates and related parties to the Fair Trade Commission.

While Taeil Trading, Taeil Catering and Cheongwon Distribution, who are the company's chairman, comply with the requirements of the group's subsidiaries, Hanjin did not mention them at the time of the FTC group's designation.

Taeil Trading will supply Korean Air with Korean blankets and slippers, and Cheongwon Distribution and Taeil Catering will provide meals in flight to Korean Air.

It is the conclusion of the office that these members of the stomach group have received a lot of work from members of the family of the president.

According to the Fair Trade Act, if the allegations of a camouflage affiliate are proven, the same group of large corporations may be sentenced to less than 2 years in prison or a fine of up to 150 million won.

After receiving the invitation of the company, the subcommittee, composed of two standing committees and a non-permanent member of the committee, decides at the end of this month whether there is to carry out checks, charges and fines.

In addition to this incident, the FTC is investigating a number of Hanjin Group subsidiaries, including Korean Air, on charges of "toll tax".

On the other hand, Joe attended the South Seoul District Law, suspected of having embezzled hundreds of millions of won, and received the interrogation of the suspect before the arrest. arrest for approximately 7 hours and 20 minutes.

If Joe's arrest is likely to be decided on the night of 6 or early in the morning.

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