Fury over the sentence, nuclear … "The operation of the nuclear power plant in a heat wave is a terrible distortion"


On June 24, Moon Jae-in criticized the government's claim that the nuclear power plant had been restarted because of the recent heat wave, claiming that "it's a ridiculous claim".

  President Moon Jae-in hits the hammer on the presidential presidency held in Cheong Wa Dae on the morning of the 24th. [사진 청와대 페이스북]

President Moon Jae-in hits the hammer on the presidential presidency held in Cheong Wa Dae on the morning of the 24th. [사진 청와대 페이스북]

Moon said at a cabinet meeting held in Cheong Wa Dae the day, "I hope the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy will reveal the plans, prospects and measures of electricity supply. " An official from Cheong Wa Dae explained, "We urged the government to actively respond to reports that it would increase the power generation capacity of nuclear power plants while it could not cope with the demand. of electrical energy due to the heat wave "

President Moon told former staff about recent media coverage of some media and asked," Why are these reports going on? A senior official from the presidential office said: "I was angry at the intention to say that the Ministry of Industry had repeatedly explained, and that President Moon n & # 39; 39 "had not been properly explained."

The beginning of the controversy is the press release of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power on the 21st. At the time, KHNP, the operator of the nuclear power plant , strive to restart two nuclear power plants such as Hanbit 3 and Hanul 2 before the peak period, Hanlight 1 and Hanul 1 will be scheduled to start at peak hours, "he said. that nuclear power plants that are shut down in anticipation of a heat wave will be exploited as a matter of urgency.Following this, it has been argued that the government should abolish the policy of the nuclear power plant.

  President Moon Jae -in (right) speaks at the meeting of the cabinet held in the main building of Cheong Wa Dae on the 24th in the morning. [청와대사진기자단]

President Moon Jae-in (right) speaks at the cabinet meeting held in the main office of the presidential office in the morning of 24. [청와대사진기자단]

Contrary to the announcement of KHNP, however , the preventive maintenance schedule of 24 nuclear power plants, including Hanbit 3 and Hanul 2, has already been adjusted in April, explained Cheong Wa Dae. This is not true that the rescheduling schedule has been adjusted because of the heat. In addition, it is not economical that KHNP, the body investigating, refers to this because the subject that determines the planned preventive maintenance schedule for Hanlight 1 and Hanool 1 is the Nuclear Safety Commission. As the controversy grows, KHNO has revised all the press releases distributed on the 23rd.
A senior official of Cheong Wa Dae said: "The allegation that heat waves have been carefully inserted into the The nuclear power plant framework has not confirmed the facts at least, "he said. I did not understand. "It's quite different from the fact that nuclear power generation has been designed to increase for a while, and the production of nuclear energy has been increased because of heat waves."

  President Moon Jae-in attended the ceremony of permanent suspension of the first anniversary of the Kori nuclear power plant on June 19. </p>
<p>  According to the "8th Supply and Demand Plan", "electricity" at the end of last year, the power generation of nuclear power plants is expected to reach 2023 Continuously increase and then gradually decrease.Even in 2031, the production of electricity slows down to 90.5% from last year. </p>
<p>  However, the opposition party continued to criticize Moon Jae – in "The government's unilateral nuclear decontamination policy collapsed in the face of a unexpected storm, "said the president of the u Special Committee of the Korea-Japan Free Energy Initiative. "Yet the government rejected the voices by pointing out the problem as" distortion "" He said. A spokesman for Shin Bora also said: "The government made a mistake in failing to properly predict electrical energy by prudently building the electricity supply plan to support the policy. [19659002] Kim Sung-tae, a member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Korea, I welcome the debate NEWS 1 ” data-src=”https://pds.joins.com//news/component/htmlphoto_mmdata/201807/24/cd34ad6f-8c50-40de-af7b-d4695e962f32.jpg”/>    <span clbad=

Kim Sung-tae, Member of the National Assembly of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, I salute the debate News 1

Supreme Court member Lee Dong-su at party meeting said: "I am convinced that I will shut down the nuclear plant early enough to dismantle it. Looks like Jojo misses Sook-wook after his death. "

On the same day, President Moon urged him to consider heat as a" special disaster. "Warming is not a natural disaster under the current law on safety in case President Moon said: "The prolonged heat wave can be repeated and aggravated in the future," he said, "it is now necessary to manage heat waves in natural disasters." also said, "Please check the measures taken against the elderly and elderly living alone, those living in the vicinity, such as those vulnerable to heat.B, e, v, n, t, s) function function (f, b, e,
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