Gang Dongwon, the weight of 30 kg, was harder than the fortress …


  A scene from the movie "Impression". [사진 워너브러더스 코리아]

A scene from the movie 'An Inch & # 39; [사진 워너브러더스 코리아]

"Although there are elements of SF, it is actually closer to the kind of action" melodrama ".

The actor Kang Dong-won (37 years), who met an action movie "In-Rang" on the 25th, introduced the film like this. "Inrang" is a new film directed by Kim Ji-woon after Megumon (2016). Is a blockbuster with a total production cost of 23 trillion won.The adaptation of the same name by Mamoru Oshii, famous for his animated film "Gogakin Gyedongda" (1995), s & # 39; is transformed into a chaotic Korea before the unification of 2029.

Lim Chung Kyung, who played by Kang Dong Won, is the 'elite member of' While the economic sanctions of great powers that felt threatened after North Korea and South Korea prepared for unification worsened their civilian welfare and that the anti-government terrorist group appears, the govt Ernst created a special team to prevent this. However, the public security department of the national intelligence agency, which seeks to seize power, seizes another conspiracy.

The threatening appearance of a special weapon that pierces the dark with a red light, wrapped around the entire body with steel armor, Dong Won Gang, Jung Woo Sung, and d & # 39; Others are armed with Gangbang costumes, which is the biggest highlight of the film. The seizure with machine guns is also intense. However, it is this Gangbok who has become the biggest actor hurray. & # 39; Inang & # 39; means a human weapon called a wolf. This refers to the murder unit that exists inside the barracks. & # 39; Inang & # 39; means a human weapon called a wolf. This refers to the murder unit that exists inside the barracks. [사진 워너브러더스 코리아]

The weight of the clothing itself is more than 30 kg. It was made by the crew of the costumes of the Iron Man series of Hollywood. Kang Dongwon said, "It was difficult to walk even in the first place," adding, "It was added to the landscape when there was no decor in which a harpoon was made with harvesting clothes, MG42's heavy machine gun from the movie is also incredibly heavy.It was originally stuck on the floor.I thought it was the judgment of my bishop for the good scenes. "

The scene where his face was covered by the fortress was also his own digestion. Filming began in the summer and lasted 8 months until winter. In the summer, Gangbok was poured as if it was moist. To prevent dehydration, only the hips are mesh.

A large shrine of action seeing Namsan's tower pbad the window, he cautiously said, "There was a trauma I did not know." "When the bomb burst in Namsan's tower, my body stopped, without acting.In the" master "action scene (2016), the glbad sculpture is inserted into the neck and after the accident … "He said:" I do not play a lot of stuntmen in action movies.

  I met Gang Dong-won (37 years old) who played in

Gang Dong-won (37 years old), with featured actress Inang, met in a cafe in Samcheong-dong, Seoul, 24 days before the release of the film. [사진 워너브러더스 코리아]

In Lang is a film that he has been waiting for for six years, and he promised to appear a year ago to show the new "The X" (2013) with Kim Ji-woon. It was not easy to find an investment destination.This was because there was no precedent in Korean SF movies.

Even after the release of the film, the badessment is mixed.There is an answer that the unique stylistic action of Kim Ji-wo it was well established, but the narrative is somewhat hostile compared to the complicated background of the time, and the criticism that the agony of the character does not reach enough. Kim Hyung-suk, a film journalist, regretted that "the composition of the story is not clear and that it is not easy to follow and that the characters are typical".

Criticism also comes out of the end that has changed a lot compared to the original. Kang Dongwon said, "I shot Saad's end, but I think it would have been hard for the director to choose him as a commercial film." He also had a point of balance in his leading role, Golden Slumber, earlier this year. I feel more overwhelmed by the popularity of "INRAN & # 39;

Interview with 'Golden Slums & # 39;

  A scene from the movie 'An Inch & # 39; Rather than presenting a cutting-edge future like any SF, it adds a small variation to the landscape that resembles the reality of the present. [사진 워너브러더스 코리아]

A scene from the movie 'An Inch & # 39; Rather than presenting a cutting-edge future like any SF, it adds a small variation to the landscape that resembles the reality of the present. [사진 워너브러더스 코리아]

Lim Chung-kyung, who lived as a human weapon for the nation in the film, confuses it with human emotions and confuses it with a woman named Lee Yun-hee. Is there a time when Kang Dongwon felt confused as an actor? He said, "Now is the time of this burst."

"It sounds like a lot, I'm in the States because of my Hollywood movie" Tsunami LA "(directed by Simon West) Can I survive here in America? I'm stressed too I do not want to keep doing this I want to remember me as a good actor, but nowadays it's not easy. e, v, n, t, s) {}

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