Gangwon-do Min-Ilbo


Ryu Hyun-jin (31, Los Angeles Dodgers), the "Korean monster", got a good bonus after the season.

The finalists of the Dodgers' World Series totaled $ 21,165,272 (approximately 23,895,590,000 won) on the 27th of the month.

Each team has an average ERA of 1 point in the regular league to distribute the dividend according to the performance of its players. Ryu Hyun-jin, who played an important role as a starter in the playoffs, earns up to $ 262,227 (about W $ 298,318,000).

Dividends paid to players will be half the proceeds of the wild card match, 60% of the first three games of the division series and 60% of the World Series series of 1-4 games.

The Boston Red Sox players will earn up to $ 418,637 per person bonus for the World Series championship this year, with a total dividend of $ 88,186,863 for the team entering the post-season this year. LOS ANGELES (AP) – The Colorado Rockies lost to the National League Division Series for $ 43,355.

<저작권자 ⓒ 강원도민일보 ( 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

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