GATOUR 5th Competition, Jung Moon Men and Women's Summit O-Ha Hyeon-jung


  5th GATOUR Competition, Men and Women's Summit Jeongmoon O-Ha Hyeon-jung

He Hae-jung Women and Jeong Moon Men Oh win the 2018 KB National GATOUR Card with the 5th Bridgestone Golf Competition, which covers amateur golfers

After the preliminaries that took place from July 3 to 23, 60 men and 100 men entered the finals of the GATOUR finals and the winner took place on the 29th.

L 39 Women's team, Hahn Heung-jung, finished at 10-under par with Seo Chae-young, who finished at 9 under par and climbed to the last hole,

Hehen-jung won the title for the 2018 season with 2710 points, followed by Choi In-young (3440 points) and Seo Chae-young (2780 points)

Hahn, Jung-jung said: "It was more valuable because I won the race recently because of a bad knee condition, I was in depression because of the condition, but I focused on it and made good grades.

Men's Jeong Moon Oh also finished at 11 under par, and a shot

Jung Moon-soo came top of the list of "most recent nationalities of Korea" I'm really happy to win this tournament after winning the tournament tournament group of physical education. I want to thank you all for playing with your companions who can meet for each tournament and I want to share this honor with you.

2018 KB Kookmin Card GATOUR With Bridgestone Golf All competitions are sponsored by KB Kookmin Card, sponsored by Bridgestone Golf and Vivaldi Park, sponsored by Baroque, Sampyeong, 1879WINE and Zawol. (19659010)] (function (d, s, id) {
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