German defender Hummel who wants to exchange uniforms with black rose | dispatch


The defender of the German football team Matsu Hummels expresses his affection for "Black Pink".

FC Bayern Munich has written on Humulus and Korea in the official SNS. "Korea is now disconnected from Humulus."

There is a reason for this. National team defender Kim Young-kwon revealed the story of HUMMELS on MBC-TV's "Radio Star" on November 11th.

Kim Young-kwon said at the time: "I offered to exchange the uniforms for Hummels. It took me a long time because of my sergeant. But I was waiting in front of the cloakroom. I am not a global player. "

This news has been transmitted to Germany.

I have also proposed an interesting vote." Who would you like to exchange for the & # 39; Uniform for next time? "

Hummels also participated in the vote.

Net surfers who saw this," This is not synthetic "," Black wins the question of the rose "," Humulus is really cute "," World Clbad "and so on.

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