Germany's key midfielder rejected his controversial decision to retire


  A German midfielder who declared his national team retired after playing 93 matches in a match. [AP=연합뉴스]

A German midfielder who declared his national team retired after playing 93 matches in a match. [AP=연합뉴스]

Mezhuto (29, Arsenal), the midfielder of the German national football team, has finally decided to withdraw from the national team.

"It was very difficult for coaches and coaches to make a decision through their Social Network Service (SNS) on the 23rd," he said, "We decided to stop playing in the # 39 national team ". Ad.

The decision to retire at a slightly older age is due to the controversy surrounding a recent photo op with the President of the Republic of Turkey in Russia's poor performance at the World Cup. The two-year-old Turkish immigrant, who met his German counterpart, Ilkay Ghidogan (27, Manchester City), met Turkish President Tzipi Efedogan just before the World Cup. Some German football fans responded by saying, "Which country do they represent?" Turkish Foreign Minister Erdogan has criticized Germany from time to time, and diplomatic tensions between the two countries have increased, and the voice of dissatisfaction was unexpected.

 A photo of the mezzot with Turkish President Erdogan (left). The use of these photographs by President Erdogan, who has anti-German sentiments in the presidential election, has raised controversy among the German people. [AP=연합뉴스]

A photo of the mezzot with Turkish President Erdogan (left). The use of these photographs by President Erdogan, who has anti-German sentiments in the presidential election, has raised controversy among the German people. [AP=연합뉴스]

It is the slowness of the Russian world cup that has put oil on the angry public opinion. The qualification was a key midfielder to be able to replicate the glory of winning the World Cup in Brazil four years ago, but his performance was not as good as expected in all three parts of the phase of groups. I was tied up by the strong pressure of my opposing midfielders, and I did not really have the exact pbad. Especially after Germany beat Korea 0-2 after a defenseless game in the group stage, some fans raised their voices by saying, "Please, exclude the skill and the will of the national team. "

When criticism rages, his voice tells his SNS that "meeting President Erdogan was not a political expression. I am a German citizen, but the bottom of me and my family is Turkey. I had a heart of Germans and a heart of Turks together. "But the controversy did not dissipate.

The qualifying debuted in 2009 A match, and participated in 93 matches (23 goals) in a match for nine years after having participated as a member of the German Tank Troop.While he has been at the forefront of FIFA Centurion Club membership (representing a player who has played more than 100 matches in the match), Giants said his retirement after failing to respond to criticism.At the last World Cup in Russia, Joachim Loeb, the coach of the German national team (left), gives the instructions of the team. Operation key midfielder Mezhout After the 0-2 defeat of Germany in the match, the voices calling for the exit of the national team have increased. [AP=연합뉴스] "data-src =" "/>

In the last After the 0-2 defeat of Germany in the match, the voices calling for the exit of the national team have increased. [AP=연합뉴스]

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