Ghost Particle & # 39; Origins Neutrino Premier … Gravitational Ear Grains Astronomy Era Open – Chosunbiz


Entry date: 2018.07.13 00:00

IceCube, an international team of scientists from more than 300 countries, including the United States and South Korea, has successfully identified the origin of high-energy "neutrinos" created by mbadive cosmic phenomena.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) of the United States announced that it would launch a new era of "particle astronomy" that will unveil a gigantic energy event in the space after " Gravitational Astronomy "The first in the world to demonstrate that the high-energy neutrinos detected at the Glacier Ice Observatory came from the Galactic Active Core Blazar.

The neutrino, one of the basic particles forming the universe, is a nuclear fusion reaction of the sun, a nuclear fission reaction of a nuclear power plant,. It reacts with other particles and pbades through most of the material and is called "ghost particles". The neutrino is always present around us because it comes from the sun or from the nuclear reaction. However, neutrinos from astronomical phenomena such as heavy black holes rapidly turning in the far universe have millions of times more energy than sun neutrinos or nuclear reaction.

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