Gong Ji-young "This novel, Harry 1 and 2, is a group of people who write and write hypocrisy" – Kookmin Ilbo


Gong Ji-young (55 · photo ) who gave a new feature film "Harry 1 · 2" (writer of the novel) at a press conference held at the Press Center Korean in Seoul on July 30 In the novel "Theory of the novel", the writer's mission is to read the age, and it was impressive that a concrete envelope was applied at this age.

The author said: "Unlike the simplicity of the evil that I have witnessed during the nine years of the government of Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye, I learned early on it would be money to write progressive and democratic rallies. "

Harry, a former Catholic priest who took off his clothes in badual harbadment, said:" It's the only thing I've ever seen. history of a representative of the disabled sponsorship organization with his internal relationships with him. It recalls accusations and charges related to the support of Catholic institutions that the artist has suffered since 2015.

The artist writes: "The Daegu Hope case actually won 312 people over the last nine years, "said the author, pointing out that the work was a fiction in the words of the author. "Based on reports that the Catholic Archdiocese was not responsible for that." It's a reminiscence of the previous work "Crucible", which has been turned into a movie.

He emphasized that the novel is a critique of reality: "My novel is a critique of reality. This is the 12th feature, and all the novels have been rebuilt according to the cover. "I've seen a lot of people dying in different cities by powerful forces such as the local Toho."

In question about the actors scandal Kim Buseon and Lee Jae-myeong, the governor of Gyeonggi Province , "the position of my position is unchanged" and "I saw the girl who was right, and I acted with the belief that it would make sense that the book sells well in a world that I wanted to save later.

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