Google to ban the application of virtual money … Limited fireworks


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(Los Angeles, CA) – Google has released a new PlayStore developer policy that includes a ban on virtual money mining applications (Currency Encrypted),

Google's move is to Apple, which banned apps from Google. Virtual currency extraction from iOS and Mac application stores, iPhone and iPad operating systems.

Google says, "The virtual mining application is now available in the Hardware Compatibility section of the store evaluation guidelines because it does not allow you to run any processing applications. in the background (autorun), such as virtual currency extraction.

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" This means that the virtual money exploration applications that are managed by cloud services outside the Android operating system (appliance) device are allowed, "says Duffy.

Google has stated that it "categorizes the virtual apps for exploring money in the same category as a harmful adware that runs automatically and repeatedly unrelated." the content. "

Apps may be banned or deleted."

Google has also decided to restrict or prohibit applications related to firearms transactions, accessories for firearms, ammunition, etc.

The Google Play Store prohibits the downloading and playback of content related to firearms.

Bumpstack is a gun-modified piece that attaches to a semi-automatic rifle and allows a short burst of fire, such as an automatic rifle.

[email protected]

2018/07/28 01:30 song

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