Government and R & D Innovation Strategy Announces R & D in Government R & D Innovation to Discourage Developed and High-Risk Countries


"Korea Science and Technology pursues the" imitative R & D system "that follows developed countries from the 1960s."

The Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Information and Communication, The Government has proposed to improve these problems and modernize the National System of Innovation (SNI) . The Ministry of Information and Communication announced and announced the National R & D Innovation Plan for the Advanced Technology Innovation System at the first meeting of the "Science Advisory Board" and technology "held by the President on May 26. Meanwhile, the problems and methods of improving the policy and culture of R & D in Korea have been included.

  On the 26th, the government announced a national R & D innovation plan to modernize the national system of scientific and technological innovation. In order to strengthen support for stimulating research of the type of high-risk innovation, we stated that DARPA, a case of support for innovation research in the United States, will be calibrated and that the Korean type DARPA will be built. The photo shows an engineer conducting a technology demonstration with the support of the DARPA program of the US Department of Defense on April 22, 2014. [로이터]

On the 26th, the government announced a national plan for innovation in R & D. D to modernize the national system of scientific and technological innovation. In order to strengthen support for stimulating research of the type of high-risk innovation, we stated that DARPA, a case of support for innovation research in the United States, will be calibrated and that the Korean type DARPA will be built. The photo shows an engineer performing a technology demonstration with the support of the DARPA program of the US Department of Defense on April 22, 2014. [로이터]

Advanced R & D system that relieves more than 10 years of Relief … The technological development is "I am the Holocaust"

"The transition to advanced R & D systems has been a relief for more than a decade." The "imitation" type R & D system established at the time, while recognizing that the government-funded research institute (such as KIST) created in the late 1960s was the engine of industry and economic development, This is not explained.

  President Moon Jae-in speaks at the first meeting of the National Advisory Board of Science and Technology held in Cheong Wa Dae on the afternoon of 26. [19659009] President Moon Jae-in speaks at the first meeting of the National Advisory Council on Science and Technology held in Cheong Wa Dae on the afternoon of 26. [19659010] Insufficient innovation capacity and vague results have also been identified as problems. According to the Ministry of Information and Communication, "the number of Korean universities among the top 100 universities in the world is only 4, and the quality of public institutions (WEF) is 32nd out of 138 countries. " In addition, the closed R & D structure suggests that the link between the researcher and the life and the people market is declining and the development of "me alone" technology is still needed.  </p>
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<p>  Introduction of a flexible evaluation system that recognizes failures … invests in high-risk research </p>
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<p>  Various strategies and tasks have been proposed for solve this problem. More specifically, it reinforces support for innovative, high-risk R & D. It is interpreted that we will devote ourselves to more difficult tasks, deviating from existing methods of investing only in research with high success rates. To this end, he announced that he would compare the US Higher Education Research Plan (DARPA), which invests approximately 3 400 trillion won a year, and will put in place the Korean DARPA. Including projects to increase investment in high-risk innovative research, which currently accounts for 11% of the ICT sector, to 35% by 2022. </p>
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  The government has announced its intention to ###################################################################### Investing in innovative, high-risk research projects. To this end, Korean-style DRAPA was created and student researchers received benefits such as employment contracts, living expenses and grants. The University of Science and Technology of Ulsan (UNIST) and Ulsan City are developing a simulated long-term biomimetic chip. [연합뉴스]

The government has announced its intention to invest in innovative, high-risk research projects. To this end, Korean-style DRAPA was created and student researchers received benefits such as employment contracts, living expenses and grants. The University of Science and Technology of Ulsan (UNIST) and Ulsan City are developing a simulated long-term biomimetic chip. [연합뉴스]

We have decided to revisit the adoption of a flexible management system adapted to difficult research, such as accepting the failure of sincerity by introducing new methods of evaluating research. . In addition, the principle of "research and administrative segregation" allows researchers to focus on research, thus lightening the responsibility of researchers such as accounting and auditing, and the management system of research funds currently exploited by 17 ministries will be consolidated in the first half of 2019; .


The government announced in the press release that "people The first step of innovation R & D center is to improve the research environment of university researchers. "He added:" Strengthen the rights and interests of university researchers and improve research conditions. "It is essential to establish stable research conditions by mandating employment contracts for researchers and supporting living expenses and subsidies.

  President Moon Jae-in speaks at the first meeting of the National Advisory Council on Science and Technology held in Seoul Cheong Wa Dae on the afternoon of 26 [청와대 사진 기자단]

President Moon Jae-in speaks at the first meeting of the National Advisory Council on Science and Technology held in Seoul Cheong Wa Dae in the afternoon of 26. [청와대 사진 기자단]

First, the contract of employment was made compulsory for researchers and other researchers. For student researchers in doctoral and doctoral programs, employment contracts may be introduced taking into account institutional characteristics, including support for basic economic treatment. As a result, a "student-friendly incentive program" will be introduced in specialized universities, including KAIST, DGIST and UNIST. Incentives include staff costs, attendant care allowances, scholarships, etc., and additional incentives will be available depending on the research results.

For example, for a doctoral researcher, he gives 1 million won per month according to the basic portfolio, and if the search result is good, he gives an additional portfolio of 450 thousand won per month. In the case of graduate student researchers, we plan to set the amount to obtain a base portfolio of 700,000 won per month and an additional portfolio of 300,000 won per month.

  The national R & D innovation plan included support for the grant portfolio for student researchers. As a result, the PhD researcher will be able to receive a grant of KRW 1 million per month for basic research and a basic monthly stipend of KRW 70000 for a student researcher in MS. The photo is KAIST Nano Advanced Technology Institute. [중앙포토]

The National R & D Innovation Plan included grant portfolio support for student researchers. As a result, the PhD researcher will be able to receive a grant of KRW 1 million per month for basic research and a basic monthly stipend of KRW 70000 for a student researcher in MS. The photo is KAIST Nano Advanced Technology Institute. [중앙포토]

In his debut, a research student who has a great work personality has completed the signing of a contract of employment, and the general university has decided to gradually adopt this method after collecting the opinions of student researchers.

The Director of Science and Technology Innovation Division of the Korea Institute of Technology said: "It is important to create an environment in which researchers who are the subject of scientific and technological innovations technology can engage and challenge research. " I expect young scientists and engineers to nurture the growth of innovation. "

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