Grants for birth grant of 2.5 million won and 8-year family allowance for all mothers next year


The number of births in May was less than 30,000 for the first time in May. The number of deaths has increased due to the increase in the number of older people and the possibility of a demographic decline. According to the May population trends published by the National Bureau of Statistics on May 25, there would be 27,900 births in May. That was 7.9% less than the same month last year. The photo shows a newborn room at Cheil Hospital in Jung-gu, Seoul, in the afternoon of October 25 last year. [연합뉴스] <저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2017 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>"data-src =" "/>  <span clbad=

The number of births in May was less than 30,000 for the first time in May. The number of deaths has increased due to the increase in the number of older people and the possibility of a demographic decline. According to the May population trends published by the National Bureau of Statistics on May 25, there would be 27,900 births in May. That was 7.9% less than the same month last year. The photo shows a newborn room at Cheil Hospital in Jung-gu, Seoul, in the afternoon of October 25 last year. [연합뉴스] <저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2017 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>

Starting next September, all children under the age of 9 will receive a child allowance of 100,000 won per month and starting in October, a birth grant of 2.5 million won per newborn should be paid.

On August 28, the Health and Welfare Committee of the National Assembly decided to review the budget review subcommittee and plenary sessions to increase the budget for four projects. social badistance, including child allowance, disability pension, basic grants and birth incentives, to reach 1,822,000 won. The budget of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs has been increased to 72,775.8 billion won next year.

If the proposal is approved by the budget settlement committee, next year's child allowance will be four months, and the childbirth grant will be three months, but that will be the next year. 2,800 billion won will be added to four social badistance projects. The inclusion of local government burden (a certain percentage of matching) will increase by 3.9463 billion won per year.

The most money is spent on extending family allowances. Today, only the under 6s (0 ~ 71 months) earn less than 90% of income. In January of next year, the 10% of children under the age of 6 will be widened first and in September they will be between 6 and 9 years old. The number of child benefits is 2.76 million. Next year, 535.1 billion won will be added, but this figure will increase to 1.4 trillion won from 2020. Because the local government has to add 26.2 percent, the whole country will have 1.9 trillion additional earnings.

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare will award a WK2.5 million grant per child to all mothers who give birth to their children in October of next year. It is said that it is set at the cost level of postnatal cooking. And 103.1 billion won (national cost standard) for the payment of three months. About 330,000 mothers should benefit. As of 2020, 412.4 billion won has been added each year. Local governments must pay the same amount.

Starting from April next year, the lowest 20% of the income will include the increase of the basic pension from 250,000 KRW to 300,000 KRW from 50,000 KRW. In addition, a basic monthly pension of 100,000 won per month has been paid to about 400,000 basic beneficiaries, but the basic cost of living is increased by 100,000 won. The government will spend 410 billion won a year. The Social Welfare Committee has decided to pay a total of W 250 billion to all disabled people with disabilities who currently receive a disability pension for people with disabilities in grades 1 and 2 and for those in grade 3.

President Gideon Min-soo chairs the Subcommittee of the Review Subcommittee of the Committee on Health and Social Welfare that is held at the office. Yeouido National Assembly in Seoul on October 28th. 2018.11.28 / News 1

President Gideon Min-soo chairs the Subcommittee of the Review Subcommittee of the Committee on Health and Social Welfare that is held at the office. Yeouido National Assembly in Seoul on October 28th. 2018.11.28 / News 1

The budget adopted by the social badistance office must be examined by the Budget Committee of the Budget Committee. In addition, the Family Allowances Act and the Basic Pensions Act should be amended. The budget was approved by the ruling party and the opposition party. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) on Tuesday reached an agreement with the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).

Experts have expressed concern about populist policies that have huge budgets and do not give the right priorities. Ahn Sang-hoon, a professor of social welfare at the Seoul National University, said, "It is difficult to reduce the welfare of the species again." The welfare states in Europe, like Sweden, have stagnated, It has turned to well-being to increase. We are going backwards. "

Kim Won-sik, professor of economics at Konkuk University, said: "The government and the ruling party may have introduced a plan to increase family allowances or incentives at the university. delivery in response to the birth rate crisis zero, but the birth rate does not increase if the government temporarily gives money. "He said. Professor Kim said: "When the economy slows down, taxes can not be released as much as this year." If the free party suddenly changes speech and buys a lawsuit, it will move further and further away. of the public interest. "An official from the Department of Health and Welfare said," We should see if we move to the preliminary commission. "

Eisse Reporter [email protected]

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