Gyeongbuk police arrest a police officer


[Ahn Dong-NewSea] Park Jun-jin = An arrest warrant will be issued against a man in his forties who pushed a policeman to drop a policeman while he was raping his home in the army of nutrition from Gyeongbuk. Police said the police will file a warrant for A (42) on suspicion of murdering a murderer by dragging a weapon.

According to the police, at 12:40, he was charged with the murder of Kim Sun-hyun (51 years old), a member of the nutrition police station, in his home court of Nutrition Force Nutrition Euphrates.

A is also accused of throwing pollen at Lieutenant Omo (53) who was sent with Kim Kwang-hee and injured his head while swinging a weapon.

A man who brandished the weapon was added at 13:00.

Lieutenant Kim and Lieutenant Oh arrived at the scene after receiving a report from their mother: "My son broke his house and caused trouble."

A police investigation revealed that A had been sentenced to an badault on an environmental cleaner who had engaged in an argument in January 2011.

M. A usually suffered from schizophrenia It turned out.

In particular, the Minister of Public Administration and Security, Kim Bum-keum, and the head of the presidential police of Min-Ae Park will visit the Andong Hospital this afternoon to criticize Kim, deceased

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Kim Gyeong – wi 's funeral will be held on 10-10 at Kookmin Hall in Nyon – eup.

It is planned to deposit it at the Daejeon National Cemetery.

A police official said, "A family member said that he had suffered from an epidemic," he said. "I'm studying the specific details of the case against A."

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