Haas Stone announces a new extension of the project 'Mighty Man Project & # 39; Drum Boom


Blizzard Entertainment announced that Enter Boom Labs, the company's first smartphone game, and the new HaSston popular digital map expansion pack, was released yesterday, "The first episode of animation.

With the release of the new Hbadtones expansion pack, the mind – full map publishing method has brought another delight to the fans, and this 'Project Only Man' Drum Boom is one of the methods of map publishing,.

The animation was launched by developers of Haas Stone, such as Dave Kosak, the main mission designer, and brought out new card information in a tumultuous situation at the Boom Lab.

In the first episode released today, Haas Stone trainees appeared in the video "Boom Boom's Only Project" went to Boom Labs at risk and took the adventure of pursue the missing developers in a crash of scientific experimentation. I handled it. In this video, Stargazer Luna, one of the legendary new command cards introduced by the new expansion pack, has been unveiled.

Haas Stone also released a variety of "

The new HASSTON extension pack," Drum Boom ", will be available on Wednesday August 8 for Windows, Mac PC and Windows, iOS and Android tablets and smartphones.

The 'Mighty Hearts Project' card pack of Doctor Boom can be purchased as a Haas Stone Arena bonus, or purchased in gold play or real money at the same price as the other Haas Stone card packs Also, from the day of today until the release of the expansion pack, unsuspecting candidates may be able to do so. register for a set of waivers of rights and buy a "Dr.

The pack of 50 card packs includes a Golden Legend Profession random card and the back of the Meka Zarac Sush card. The large pack of 80 card packs includes a Golden Legend random card as well as the back of the Meka Zarath card. Sush Also included is a new warlock hero named Mecagaracus, Lord Eredar of the Boom Legion. Two packs that can be purchased once per account, regardless of the platform, are sold on 50,000 PC-based battle pieces and 80,000 battle pieces (PC-based)

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