"Half-doctors should exclude … Measures to prevent domestic violence, still in force"



Today (27th) governmental measures to prevent domestic violence. Let's discuss with the journalist the real effect and the possibility of completing it. I went out here.

The reporter Lee Soo-jung, author of domestic violence arrested as a criminal, is there any new action introduced this time?


Stopping perpetrators of domestic violence is not the first possible step.

In 2015, when the girl first reported her father to the police, she was arrested by the police and took temporary emergency measures 1, 2 and 3.

In other words, the author leaves the house, does not approach within 100 meters and does not call and does not make phone calls or SMS.

In the past, however, the special law on domestic violence did not specify the arrest of a "current suicide bomber" as part of police first aid measures.

In the past, it was not necessary to arrest a person at home unless it was a murder or an injury, but the arrest of a criminal is now declared as a means first aid for the police.


Then, when this measure was applied, could one say that such a case of domestic violence in Tongchong-dong could be avoided?


It seems a little difficult to say that I was able to stop it unconditionally.

In 2015, the police officer dispatched also drafted the risk badessment chart.

At that time, the author was clbadified as a high-risk author.

However, after the interim measure, he was not properly monitored because the victim's cell phone number changed afterwards.

After the interim measure, the ex-husband continued to appear near the victim, but the perpetrator had never been disciplined.

This measure was however missed by the authorities.

If you violate the interim measures, you may be sentenced to imprisonment, but it is not easy to detect the violation and it will be difficult to bring a penalty.


And again, is there any criticism about asking a doctor for a victim when he punishes the perpetrator?


Yes, 150,000 of the 190,000 cases of spousal violence reported to police last year did not result in an investigation.

This is explained by the fact that the victim did not want the punishment or that the victim did not have the necessary sentence, even by refusing to make a statement.

Experts say it would be foolish to punish family members by asking them to punish them every day.

The Ministry of Gender and Family also considered not to apply the anti-verbal indictment against domestic violence but said that it should be discussed more before with the Department of Justice and the police.

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