Hana Kim – MAMAMOO Solar-win, personal song song "Nana Hae" in front of the return … Sexy equipped & # 39;


[김효진 기자] MAMAMOO The personal video of Sola and Huin is out.

Mama Mom recently released her seventh mini-album 'Red Moon'. titled 'Nana Hae & # 39;

Sola and Huin captivate the eye with bady and provocative feelings in the published video

Solar has a solid body line Reveal admiration.

In the end, she was turned into a flamenco by putting on a red flower and overwhelmed her with gorgeous gestures and fascinating expressions.

A strong smoky makeup at the end of the video, emanating from intense eyes and saying "


Liu shows a funky yet chic charm with a colorful pattern of costumes, tattoos brilliant and piercing.

In particular, Liu's provocative eyes, which reveals a shy shoulder and emits a subtle bady, draw his attention.

Intense drums called "] Mama Mum has received a warm response since qu & # She has released the following of Sola and Whine's video, starting with Hwaseong

It is becoming more and more important to see how Moon Byeong, the main character of the new mini album 'Red Moon & # 39; ;

Mama's new mini album "Red Moon" on the 16th, will release the title song "Nana Sea" of the reggae genre that Mama Mu will show first, "Summer Night Dream", "[19659002] The title song "Nanna Sea" is a song that is always the same as the one that thinks first to the other person.

Mama will release her seventh mini album, & # 39, Red Moon & # 39 ;, at 16h 16, and will release a new album,

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