Happy Together 4 & # 39; Ginsun, hates the SNS after starring in the act "It's too much to say a word"


(Source: KBS2 'Happy Together' capturing the show)

(Source: KBS2 'Happy Together' capturing the show)

The actor said that the bird had stopped the activities of SNS after its appearance "Happy Together".

On KBS2 Happy Together 4 & # 39; aired on January 1, Kwon Sensee appeared in the special feature of Kumi Suman and spoke of the reaction that was hot after the release of "Happy Together 3". in May.

Kwon said, "The reaction was too hot after the last appearance." But the reaction was too hot for two days. "

Kiyoshi Kiyoshi said: "When I raised a word, I was always interested because I was interested." Then I laughed and laughed.

For its part, Ki Byeong-appeared on "Happy Together 3", aired in May, and published a love story with her husband.

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