Hasstone publishes a new extension pack "The great success of Rastakan" next month


Hbadtone publishes a new extension pack

On December 3, Blizzard Entertainment announced the release of a new expansion card for "Haas Stone," a digital card game called "Rastakan's Great Battle."

The Troll tribes of Azeroth participated in unconstrained conflicts once in a generation, in accordance with King Rastakan's instructions.

This year, nine teams have been formed, starting with the legendary troll warriors, the most powerful fighters representing each of Hbadtone's occupations. Loa, an ancient spirit worshiped by Troll, blesses them and appears directly on the battlefield in the form of a powerful legend.

Players can also borrow the power of the new profession of the soul, and these souls have a stronger effect when they are related to Loa.

Players must compete for Royal Courtesy of King LaStaChan, but also have fun for the crowd. A player who wants to prove his gladiator abilities by putting an end to the enemy with joy and glamor can use the new "abssal" gaming keyword, which is rewarded if the enemy manager suffers additional damage.

After the launch of HASSTON's all-new Haston's "The Great Battle of Rastakan", players have to face the most powerful troll heroes of Azeroth.

"The Greatness of Rasutakan" will be available December 5 for Windows, Mac PC and Windows, iOS, Android tablets and smartphones.

Kwon Oh-yong reporter [email protected]


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