Health care chain changes … "Now the patient is the center": Sports Chosun


Test Data Distribution Test Scenario Between KOREN Participating Institutions Using Virtual Medical Data [분당서울대병원 제공=연합뉴스]

Professional A (33) is interested in his health unlike his peers. After my grandfather and dad, I have a family history of cancer, so I do not worry about whether this will cause health problems. As a result, Mr. A receives a costly medical examination of over 2,000,000 won, regardless of the trip each summer vacation. Shopping at the hospital is not enough. It's already the fifth year.

Still, there is anxiety and I recently integrated a biotech company program that manages individual biometric data. Body weight, body fat, blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, basal metabolism, etc., are automatically transferred to the biometric data device provided by the company, and the medical facilities participating in it. receive a Method

But Lee has another worry. When I go to various hospitals, the cost of diagnostic tests for each hospital is too high. In addition, there is concern that sensitive disease information may be used for other purposes without consent. For Mr. A, the company says it's safe to say that "blockchain" technology protects sensitive health information.

Is Mr. A's health information really safe?

The technology 'Block Chain', now known to be used for virtual currency, is now digging deep into the medical field

A data processing technology that checks and distributes the transaction information to all participating users.

Professor Suh Yong-yong of Sogang University defined "a machine that creates trust". This means that in an unreliable environment, people can trust without a neutral and centralized certification authority.

Professor Park said: "In 1975, when PCs appeared, the chain of blocks became the core technology to achieve the fourth industrial revolution, and the possession of information and production. "The chain of blocks that was introduced in 2009 gave the importance of ensuring the reliability of information if the Internet emerged in 1993 and shared information."

In Korea, the study, which is intended to be applied at the beginning of large-scale operation.

KOREN SDI based on information channel technology, led by the company. Korean Agency for the Promotion of Information Science (NIA) and Seoul Bundang University, under the supervision of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

In this network, companies such as Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Tea University, U niversity Ewha Womans and other companies such as Micro Information Technology, Shinteca Bio, CI Lab and Welt participate in this network.

In the field of health care, block chaining technology has attracted attention in the field of medical care for patients, but the main topic of care is the care platform of the patient's health. This was not a patient. M. A is a representative case.

Experts believe that by introducing chain-block technology, the sovereignty of medical data can be restored to individuals. He should be able to store personal records as a Personal Health Record (PHR).

A researcher from the Bundang Hospital of Seoul National University Hospital said: "In a situation where expectations and concerns are socially coexistent," it is a project that uses a network of national agencies to verify that the information can be saved safely. "

However, it is not yet known how this blockchain technology will be integrated into the health care market. the future.

In some companies, health information is collected during the presentation of tokens and other compensation plans to patients, and a template has been introduced that allows for various researchers to use it.In foreign countries, we also applied Bulk Chain technology to solve problems such as income distribution, which is caused by the process of genetic information of patients. Because of the virtual currency controversy, there is controversy over the pros and cons of tokens and so on.

As a result, the board first focused on the advertising of blockchain technology.

During this year, the company plans to establish a block chain server based on the corn network and to ensure complete distribution of medical data and security verification. Korennet is a research network operated by the Korean Agency for the Promotion of Computerization (KISA) in cooperation with national and foreign research institutes since 1995.

By Combining Chain-of-Blocks Technology in this network, a platform for the

In fact, at the Seoul National University Hospital, when the medical information is shared, the cost of the patient's charge is 13%, and the cost of examination / treatment And the number of prescriptions decreased by 63%.

Professor Han Sung Han, professor of surgery at Seoul National University Hospital in Bundang, said: "In this study, we received a request for transfer of virtual medical information," I will review both the process of approving the data with the technology and the fact that the actual data is moving normally.I will check if there is a security problem, especially with a hacker attack artificial. "

" The goal is to make Korea an international leader by successfully introducing Korea into the medical field. "" I will do my utmost to ensure that the results of the proceedings of consultation is a real benefit for the population. "

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