[HK영상] "Sejyeolye" Kim So-yeon "I will make you jealous" | Fernand


Actor Kim So-yeon and Hong Jong-hyun attend the presentation of KBS2's new weekend drama, "My most beautiful girl in the world" (screenplay, director Kim Jong-Chang) at the show. Imperial Palace hotel of Nonhyun-dong in Seoul on the 19th.

"My daughter, the most beautiful in the world", with Kim Hae-sook, Choi Myung-gil, Yoo Seon, Kim So-yeon, Kim Hae-kyung, Hong Jong-hyun and Kita Tae-yong, tells the story story of four women who became in love. It is scheduled to air on the 23rd with a drama that comforts the mother and the girls.

Choi, Hyuk Hankyong, journalist specializing in point contacts [email protected]
Council and press release [email protected]

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