Hong Joon-pyo "Peace asks to come to the ruin of the Song Dynasty"


Former Liberal Democratic Party leader Hong Joon-pyo on Monday criticized Song Jae-in's regime, saying: "Song's country in China has been ruined while begging for peace."

Hong said this via his Facebook that day. He continued his criticism of President Moon Jae-in stating, "We are going into a world we have never known before," saying that we can create a future that no one else has. never experienced before at the Pyongyang summit.

He mentioned the cliffs of youth employment, the bombardment of independent workers, the escape of large enterprises and SMEs, the opening of an era of distribution without communism, manipulation of public opinion, manipulation of statistics,. He claimed that "the disarmament of the line, the abolition of the National Security Law, the withdrawal of the USFK, the collapse of the alliance between South Korea and the United States, the neutralization of the North Korean safety net, the reconciliation of Kim Jong Eun with idolization,.

Hong said, "Their ultimate goal is to establish a lower-level federalism, which is a unified front-line strategy for North Korea." "It's a weekend morning when the Chinese Song Dynasty collapsed while it implored peace."

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