Hong, Young-pyo, who clarified 'Samsung's 20th remark'


  Hong Young-pyo, a leader of the Democratic Party, gives a lecture at the 17th Korean Women's Economic Forum held at the Westin Chosun Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul, in the morning 13. [뉴스1]

Hong Young-pyo, a leader of the Democratic Party, gives a lecture at the 17th Korea Women's Economic Forum, which was held at the Westin Chosun Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul, in the morning of 13. Hong Young-pyo, the representative of the Democratic Party, said the day before yesterday: "Samsung can give 20 million won to 10 million won for 20 million won," he said. -he declares. .

On the same day, at the conference, CEO Hong said, "I focused on the economic power of chaebol and big business and the polarization of wealth and poverty in the conference. yesterday. He said. He said: "It's too much to condemn some misconceptions in the context, regardless of the intention of explaining them as easily and simply as possible."

Hong also said: "Only a few phrases that Samsung has ousted an entrepreneur are actively reproduced in the media." He also said, "Please pay attention to how many partners are actually on the brink."

He said, "It's not a matter of dismantling a chaebol, letting go of a goose boat," he added. "Even people and small businesses other than Samsung must have the means and the means to live well." He added.

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