"How are you?"


Photo = NewSise

President Moon Jae-in responds directly to the petition of President Kim Il Sung, who has obtained more than 200,000 consents on the National Assembly petition bill on December 23rd.

Cheong Wa Dae official met with reporters that day and said, "A petition titled" The President's Visit, "which went online on May 25, brought together more than 220,000 people.

This is the first time that Mr. Moon appears at the Cheong Wa Dae radio station and responds to petitions after his inauguration.The petition, entitled "Pray for President Moon Jae-in", was published the day after the news that US President Donald Trump canceled the summit between the United States and North Korea in May.

"We had a lot of things today, like the failure , the demolition of the Punggye Ri and the cease-fire of the North American summit. "" This can not be done immediately. At this moment when the profits of each country are intertwined, people, including me and myself, are once again trying to anticipate our choice (President Moon). "

I know that the greatest thing I can do is to believe you and cheer you up." "I appeal on behalf of the people, please, give your strength ", he added.

Cheong Wa Dae said in a month that more than 200,000 people had recommended the petition to the government and the government. Ministry ministers, including the Minister of the Blue House, Up to now, the National Petroleum Commission has responded to the petition of the head of the National Security Council Yoon Young-chan, the Minister of Communication, the Minister of Health and Welfare, Park Cheong-seong and Police Chief Lee Cheol-seong.

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