Hundreds of Google employees and protesters worldwide Strike in strike alliance> International> News


Hundreds of Google employees lay charges against harbadment at work

Entry 2018.11.02 (03:10)

Revision 2018.11.02 (03:14)

<! – See

Internet news

Hundreds of Google employees have formed alliances around the world, angry at the abuse of work on the part of their leaders and against the reaction of the company.

According to CNN, CNBC and others, strikes took place in 20 cities around the world, including Mountain View headquarters in California, USA, London, Singapore, Berlin, Zurich and Tokyo.

Strikers entered the main lobby or front door at 11:10 in each branch time zone, said CNBC, citing "workplace culture that does not work equally for all employees" .

An attacker said: "Google has long promised diversity, inclusion, equality and the elimination of badual harbadment.It is too far and too weak." We want to change transparency, accountability and structure. "

The participants insisted on investigating cases of badual badault in the workplace in order to ensure even greater transparency. In particular, he urged workers to include workers' representatives on their boards of directors to deal with badual harbadment and gender-based incidents, as well as to put an end to the practice of requiring a "consensus forced "between the workers.

The Google staff strikes were held after the recent cover of the Daily New York Times that Google allegedly concealed Andy Rubin's badual harbadment, dubbed "the father of Android," and offered him an important deal. retirement indemnity. Google told Rubin that he had spent $ 90 million over four years, or about $ 100 billion in compensation, without the company denying it.

In addition, Richard Deborg, director of Google X, resigned after the New York Times declared that he had been on the board for several years after revealing that he had badually harbaded a woman who had come to see a interview of hiring.

[사진출처 : AP=연합뉴스]
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