Hwaseon apartment 4 hours of power … 562 generation discomfort


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Hwasun apartment at 4 o'clock ... 562 generation discomfort

(Hwasun = news 1) reporter | 2018-07-31 07:13 Songwon

Residents suffered power outages in an apartment complex in Hwasun, Chonnam, South Korea.

According to the Korea Electric Power Corporation and Hwasun Gun on March 31, A power outage occurred in the apartment complex in Hwasun-eup, Hwasun-gun, about 22 minutes

As a result, the electricity supply of the 562 households in 4 buildings was interrupted.

KEPCO replaced its circuit breaker and resumed power supply around 2:30 am

A Hwasun Gun official said: "The electricity will be turned on to all generations

A responsible KEPCO said: "We are discussing how to receive electricity from the apartment management side."

junwon @

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