Hypertension for a lifetime … Early detection and stable management: Biz N


L & # 39; hypertension

Blood pressure may vary depending on the environment, the time of measurement, body condition, and so on. To judge hypertension, it is necessary to periodically measure from a comfortable state for a while. Getty Images Bank

Hypertension is the leading cause of heart disease and cerebrovascular disease, including myocardial infarction and angina. The incidence of hypertension increases as age increases, but as it is a disease that may occur at an earlier age, it should be maintained at all times by adopting a life and a good diet based on age and lowering blood pressure, regardless of age.

Hypertension, which mainly affects the elderly, is increasing in the recent period of pediatrics and adolescence due to changes in dietary habits and an increase in obese obese individuals. The blood pressure in the child tends to be maintained as he grows. If untreated, heart attack, heart failure, stroke can occur when you become an adult, and you must take action early.

This causes various complications without sound.

Hypertension refers to when the systolic blood pressure is greater than 140 mmHg or the diastolic blood pressure is greater than 90 mmHg in the adult. But last year, the American Heart Association and the American Heart Association boosted the high blood pressure standard to 130 / 80mmHg. The new criteria for hypertension were established based on different studies that increased the risk of cardiovascular disease, even in cases of blood pressure of 130/80 mmHg in people over 40 years old.

Hypertension causes various complications throughout the body, including coronary heart disease, stroke and kidney failure, and directly threatens the life and health of the patient. However, in general, there are no special symptoms at first and blood pressure is often not diagnosed until it has been measured. Some people do not feel the need for treatment because they do not show any symptoms even if they are diagnosed.

Hypertensive patients increase rapidly in winter when the weather is suddenly cold. When the temperature drops, the blood vessels contract and the blood pressure increases. For example, if the temperature drops by one degree, the systolic blood pressure increases to about 1.3 mmHg. When the temperature drops to about 5 degrees, the systolic blood pressure increases from 5 to 6 mmHg.

Blood pressure, a one-time measure is not enough.

I thought the blood pressure was normal, but when I saw her in the hospital, my blood pressure went up sharply. Is it hypertension?

Blood pressure varies considerably depending on the environment, the measurement time, the physical condition and the measurement site. This is the reason why you should not be relieved even if you return to normal when the blood pressure is reduced.

Hypertension can not be judged by one or two measurements of blood pressure. A relatively correct blood pressure is "active blood pressure", usually measured at 15 to 30 minute intervals on a 24 hour average blood pressure. However, it is impractical to wear a blood pressure monitor all day. Therefore, recent experts recommend a home blood pressure measurement to measure blood pressure directly at home. Home blood pressure is measured in a home where patients feel psychologically comfortable. The error is therefore small and precise.

Home blood pressure is measured twice in the morning and twice in the evening, four times a day. When measuring your blood pressure, you should be in a psychologically stable and relaxed state. In the morning, go to the bathroom before eating and taking medicine, rest for about 5 minutes and measure. In the evening, after going to the toilet before going to bed, measure and measure caffeine alcohol 30 minutes before the measurement, avoid smoking and smoking.

Make sure that the pressure pad is at the same height as the heart and that you are comfortable enough to push one or two fingers rather than squeezing too hard. Do not move or speak during the measurement. It is also illegal to twist your legs. When the leg is twisted, the blood pressure can reach 2 ~ 8mmHg. In the same way, in total two measurements at intervals of 1 to 2 minutes, the average value of the two corresponds to the correct arterial pressure of the person. In the measurement of home blood pressure, the diagnostic standard of hypertension is greater than 135 mmHg of the highest blood pressure and 85 mm Hg of the lowest blood pressure, which is more strictly as the measurement at the office (140/90 mm Hg).

Home blood pressure can be reliably diagnosed when blood pressure is measured 20 times or more over a period of time, and the average value exceeds the norm of hypertension. If you measure about 10 ~ 2 weeks, you can get specific numbers.

To prevent chronic diseases, usual habits are important

While the government is actively promoting chronic disease prevention and management policies focused on primary medical institutions, the rates of awareness and treatment of typical chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes are improving. Hypertension rose from 65.6% in 2017 to 49.6% in 2005.

Chronic diseases are more important than prevention, such as improving lifestyle and eating habits. A good diet for high blood pressure is rich in potbadium and sodium. Excessive consumption of sodium increases blood pressure by healing the blood vessels, so that a habit of eating is not good for hypertension. Potbadium releases saline into the body and helps control blood pressure.

Avoid smoking and drinking to lower blood pressure. The nicotine content of cigarettes keeps our body's blood pressure constantly increasing while staying in the body. Drinking reduces the elasticity of the blood vessels and increases the bad cholesterol in the blood vessels to thicken the walls of the blood vessels. Hypertensive patients should have enough rest. Damaged blood vessels during the day are restored when they sleep. Risk factors for hypertension in children include obesity, a diet high in salt, fat, calories and lack of physical activity. If you are obese, weight control is important. Even if only 10% of the body weight is lost, the systolic blood pressure drops from 5 to 10 mmHg. It is helpful for teens to exercise aerobics, such as walking and running, for more than 30 minutes a day.

If you are not able to control your blood pressure even after 3 to 6 months of effort to improve your lifestyle, medication may be considered.

▼ cardiovascular disease risk checklist ▼

Cardiovascular disease, which can be caused by complications of hypertension, is a condition in which the blood vessels supplying the heart with blood become abnormal. It is important to check in advance that there is no risk factor for yourself because it is caused by various factors such as eating habits, smoking, consumption of alcohol and lifestyle.

□ Men are 56 years old and women are 66 years old and over.

□ There is a family history of cardiovascular disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction) at a relatively early age (men under 55 and women under 65).

□ I currently smoke.

□ Do not exercise more than 30 minutes a day, including walking.

□ Obesity (body mbad index, BMI greater than or equal to 30), which is currently accumulated in the body in excess fat.

□ High total cholesterol level (> 240 mg / dL).

□ Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (160 mg / dL or higher) High or high density lipoprotein cholesterol (40 mg / dL or less)

□ Have high blood pressure or have diabetes.

Hong Eun-sik reporter [email protected]

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