Hyundai sponsors the AS Roma Hertha BSC Berlin professional football team


  Hyundai Motors and Hertha BSC Berlin have signed a sponsorship contract
<현대차, 헤르타 BSC 베를린 관계자가 후원 계약을 맺고 기념촬영을 하고 있다.>

Hyundai Motors is a traditional football club affiliated with the Italian Serie A soccer club AS Roma and the German Bundesliga football league

The sponsorship of Hyundai will include Chelsea FC in the English Premier League (EPL), Atletico Madrid in the Spanish Liga, French Ligue 1 in Chelsea, [Olympic Lyon]

AS Roma is a team based in Rome, the capital of Italy. Since his founding in 1927, he has won 3 times Serie A, 9 times Copa Italy and 2 times Supercopa Italy. Hertha BSC Berlin is based in the German capital Berlin and is the club with the best history and tradition in Germany founded in 1892.

<img src = " 1094177_20180724104605_604_0002.jpg "alt =" Hyundai Motor, Hertha BSC Berlin Official, In 2021, Hyundai has obtained the right to apply the logo on the back of the uniforms of AS Roma players and uniforms of the athletes of the Hertha BSC Berlin

Hyundai has been an official sponsor of FIFA since 1999 and will be able to promote its brand to Italian and German football fans through its stadium billboards, It sponsors the French football club "Olympic Lyon "from 2012. Andreas-Christoph Hoffman, vice president of products and marketing of Hyundai Motor's European headquarters, said:" This is the first time we participate in sports marketing through the football clubs of the British Premier League ique, Chelsea FC and La Liga in Spain sponsored by Atlético Madrid. "We support the league in five European countries, France, England, Spain, Germany and Italy through sponsorship," he said, adding that "we want to continue our marketing activities to meet the pbadion of European fans. "

Automotive Journalist [email protected]

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