I am glad that I renew Valencia with 7 years "


  Valencia and Renewed Lee Kang-in (right). [발렌시아]

Valencia returns with Lee Kang-in (right). [발렌시아]

"I am happy to have renewed my contract with Valencia for seven years."

This is a testimony of Valencia, a pro-Spanish football player, and Lee Kang-in (17) who renewed his contract.

Valencia renewed its contract with Lee Gang-in until 2022 on the 21st and set the redemption at 80 million euros and its money at 105.8 billion won. That is 10 times more than the redemption of 10.6 billion won, which is an extension contract until 2019 last year. The redemption is the minimum transfer that must be paid when taking the remaining players, which was worth a lot in Valencia in 2001.

On the 23rd he said: "I am happy to have renewed a great team like Valencia, Valencia is the place where I grew up and it's all my life. "

 Lee Gang-in, who attracted attention as a football genius by appearing in the 2011 Flying Shooter entertainment program. [KBS N스포츠]

Lee Gang-in, who attracted attention as a football genius by appearing in the 2011 Flying Shooter entertainment program. [KBS N스포츠]

Lee Kang-in was featured in KBS N's "Fly Shooter" sports entertainment program in 2011, and he attracted attention as a football genius. He joined the youth team of Valencia that year and has continued to grow: in January he joined the Valencia B team and took the professional stage.

He showed his kick to the left foot and in May he scored two goals in the under-19 national team. I have received a call of love from Real Madrid and Manchester City, England. Valencia continued to defend itself.

  Lee Jang-in who is active among the 2-year-old brother in the national under-19 team. [대한축구협회]

Lee Jang-in who plays an active role between 2-year-old brother in the National Under-19 Team. [대한축구협회]

Lee Kang-in is currently training with the first team and will also participate in Swiss drum training. It should be included in Group 1 by 2019-2020.

In the seventh year of his life in Valencia, he said: "My dream was to go up to Group 1 and play in Mesutaya (Valencia home)." "I'm now training in Group 1, I want to learn from the best players in the Premier League, and I'll be a role model for young players to play in the first group and make their dreams come true."

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