"I bought the iPhone and I did not buy it" … The first day of the release,


Opening estimated at 100,000 … Less than 170,000 units last year
This seems to be due to the expensive price
The average price has risen to around 400,000 won two years ago

Customers are waiting to buy new products in front of Apple Boulevard stores in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, on the second day of launching new iPhone products. / The journalist Hyunmin Kim, kimhyun81 @

Customers are waiting to buy new products in front of Apple Boulevard stores in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, on the second day of launching new iPhone products. / The journalist Hyunmin Kim, kimhyun81 @

[아시아경제 임온유 기자] Apple's new iPhone 3, despite the reservation open on the first day of the launch, was blocked. The reason why the potential demand has not changed in relation to the actual demand leading to the actual purchase is the badysis according to which it is the price charged to it.

According to the mobile telecommunications industry in 3 days, the number of iPhone XR, XS, Max XS, C is poorer than last year. In the case of the iPhone 8 · 8 + and iPhone X, a total of 170,000 units were opened with respectively 100,000 and 70,000 units on the first day of launch. A telecommunications official said: "This represents about 70% of the level of last year".

Apple is trying to maximize the launch effect by arousing consumer interest by simultaneously selling 3 types of iPhone. However, as a result, I accepted the opposite note. Of course, this is not the situation that can confirm the success or failure of the first day after opening. However, it is widely known in the industry that the atmosphere of the first day of launch is linked to consumer word of mouth and ultimately affects the total sales volume.

Three of the previous recordings of the iPhone were better than those of last year. As a result, many people have said that they would buy, but few people have bought it. The reason for the initial fall is an excessive price. The average price of three iPhones was 146,422 won, up 387,772 won from two years ago. This represents 9.25 times the average communication costs of 41 891 won in August. In other words, the price of the new iPhone has increased from 9 to 10 months in the first two years. In particular, the price of the most expensive iPhone XS Max 512 GB is 196,000 won.

Some of the mobile phone resellers were found to be spending illegal subsidies because the first sales did not meet expectations. An agency official said, "I provided a rebate (sales incentive) of 400,000 to 450,000 won, which is above the upper limit (300,000 won) for large distributors. SK Telecom recorded 669 mobile subscribers, while KT and LG U + received 637 mobile subscribers and 32 subscribers respectively.

Myung-Yoo [email protected]

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