"I did not arrange the toys"


A nurse on duty who was badaulted by dozens of children as young as 2 years old was sentenced to probation in the first case because she was not listening.

Judge Park Nam-jun, District 4 Judge of Gwangju, sentenced a child protection teacher at 58 to a two-year prison sentence for violating the law on the protection of children. repression of child abuse said

I have also ordered 40 hours of lessons on the treatment of abused children.

A was charged with mistreating seven children aged two years and 81 in a nursery in Gwangju from April 30 to June 20.

A did not sleep and did not play at nap time, so he hit his legs with his hand or pulled a child and stumbled.

He stated that he had not organized the toys and that he had cut the hair of a 2-year-old girl or put a snack on him, and that he had spit the mouth of a 2 year old boy.

I had to hit once or twice with the children's hand because I did not listen to them and did not play.

Park said: "The teacher, who has to take care of children, was rather bored.He acknowledged the mistake and took into account the fact that he, the parent or guardian of the affected child were in agreement. "

(Yonhap News / Photo = Yonhap News)

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